Chapter 3

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The big men fooled everyone. They told the people that the oil would be refined and the proceeds would be shared amongst the villagers to make life better for all. But it had all been lies.

In exchange for the oil they built a community well, at first the people rejoiced but after the pipelines were built, the water stopped flowing. It was the dry season and rain wasn't expected. For effectual performance of the well the men had to go to the big man's city to get the amenities and so was the situation till the year ran out.

Soon the feeds began to die, and all harvest was lost. The rains came but the ground yielded nothing. The oil had been dried up and all grounds have been destroyed in the search for more oil.

So was the situation for another year till the people began to die. Exit was forbidden as the big men erected gates and walls around. 'We're protecting you' they said but left them to die. They soon ran out of food and counting the days took longer than the counting of stars.


The darkness was eerie, as though all of nature had either gone to sleep or died.
The moon had gone into hiding behind the clouds and the starts refused to shine.

In this mood Ovieya looked on with hope because if Abena was right and patience was the key then something would happen soon.
But she had been patient for too long and nothing had changed, she believed that if one year was enough to reduce the population to half then one year was the equivalent of patience.

That night, she stepped out into the night, knowing that no one would look for her because no one cared anymore. With more rage than zeal she crept in the dark; her aim was the gate and when she got there she would do what was necessary, what was right – what she wanted.

Reaching for her pocket, she felt the object Abena had given to her a long time ago, though she was unsure what it was, she did not care. All she wanted was to bring down the gates and that was what she was going to do.

Crouching behind the trees she surveyed the area, she could easily take down the three guards. With swift movement she aimed for the first, the second and third dropped on the ground soon. In a twinkle of an eye she was at the gate.

“Stop there!” A voice thundered.

“Make me!” She replied.

"Patience my child patience. For it is a virtue that many have but are unwilling to use."
She heard Abena's words echo in her head.

“Patience,” She muttered taking another step back.

True to Abena's word the guard rushed at her, tired of her game. Immediately she reached for the the object in her pocket and flicked it, fire.

“Protect the oil,” he cried out  as she threw the lighter at the barrels of oil near the gate.

“You are not getting out!” She laughed.

“Neither are you!” he jumped in, stabbing her on the side as the oils exploded.


Dawn greeted the villagers with dark skies. The sky was thick with smoke and the aftermath of the explosion was nothing.

Not a pin was found on site, the gate was burnt and so were the storage houses. The big men were gone, their exit was assured but Ovieya was also gone, she was the sacrificial lamb. She was the only one who believed in Abena and if only the villagers had believed too they won't be in that mess.

“Peace is but temporary in the hands of the enemy,” the Ovié said on his deathbed. “But fortunately succor wasn’t far from the land.” those were his last words as he sought eternal rest.

It was a black Friday, but it came with help. The explosion had drawn spectators from far and near. The media published the story, the government had provided shelter and normalcy was soon to return to the people.
All at the expense of one's sacrificial giving.

Ovieya was a queen, in life and in death.

I really wish succor could come to our present troubled lands.
Thanks for voting and commenting. Happy New year in advance.

Peace out.

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