Ch. 12

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Heartpaw and Deerpaw waited for their mentors. They were going to be announced the results of the test the day before. Eelpaw was out on border patrol with Beestripe but Blacktail and Moorpelt would be there soon. Reedpelt was at the fresh-kill pile and smiled at Deerpaw and Heartpaw. He padded over. 

            "Hey," he smiled. Deerpaw smiled warmly back. He rubbed his cheek against hers in a loving way then turned to Heartpaw. "How you doing?" 

             "Good thank you," said Heartpaw. It was evident now to him that Reedpelt was Deerpaw's father. 

              "You look star struck," pointed out Deerpaw. 

                "I didn't know Reedpelt was your father till now," admitted Heartpaw. "Well,..., last night." Deerpaw laughed and Reedpelt smiled and rolled his eyes. 

               "Were you so embarrassed of me you never told who your own father was to your best friend?" exclaimed Reedpelt playfully. 

               "Of course not!" cried Deerpaw. "But there was nothing to say really." Heartpaw agreed. 

             "Anyways, hope you guys did well on your test, I've got to sort some patrols," sighed Reedpelt, gave one most look of pride at Deerpaw and trotted away. Embergaze lounged in the shadows with Softcry by his side. 

               "Those are Eelpaw's parents," whispered Deerpaw into Heartpaw's ear. He nodded. 

              "I know," he said. 

                "Embergaze is so quiet though. But charming," said Deerpaw. "I wonder where Blacktail and Moorpelt are." Heartpaw watched the couple in the shadows share tongues. Embergaze whispered quietly to Softcry. Suddenly, Eelpaw burst into the clearing, bounding up to Heartpaw and Deerpaw with a smiled on his face. 

              "Hey guys! Beestripe said we're getting our results soon," he said. He turned to Softcry and Embergaze who had looked up. Softcry smiled up at her son and Embergaze gazed at him with pride and love. 

               "Hey mum and dad," he said. Then he added, "wanna share a mouse tonight?" Embergaze nodded. 

               "Sure honey," smiled Softcry. 

               "They're so embarrassing," whispered Eelpaw to Heartpaw and Deerpaw. 

               "I heard that," said Embergaze, making Heartpaw and Deerpaw burst into laughter. 

              "hey look! Blacktail and the others are coming!" exclaimed Heartpaw, turning to the entrance where Blacktail, Moorpelt and Beestripe were padding towards them. 

               "Good luck," said Softcry. 

                "You go son," said Embergaze more softly. 

                "Thanks," said Eelpaw before running off. Heartpaw was right on his heels. Their mentors stopped in front of them. 

                 "Good morning," said Moorpelt seriously. Blacktail smiled encouragingly to Heartpaw. 

                 "Morning," chorused the three apprentices. 

                "Right, we're sure you're excited to hear about your results but first we're going to give you a bit of feedback," said Blacktail. The apprentices huffed but Heartpaw was slightly relieved. He didn't want to hear the fact that he had failed. He was sure he had failed. 

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