Chapter 6

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It was Saturday – the day of the party had finally arrived. The boarders, Arnold, and his friends were putting the finishing touches on setup on the roof. Arnold seemed a bit distracted so his Grandpa nudged him.

"What's up, Shortman?" Grandpa asked.

Arnold sighed. "Sorry – I'm just worried about Helga. I haven't seen her for a few days."

Phoebe, who overheard the conversation, spoke up. "Don't worry, Arnold. As Helga's best friend I can assure you she is in a better place. Everything is copacetic."

Gerald eyed her suspiciously. "You know something that I don't?"

Phoebe smiled coyly at her beau. "In due time all will become transparent. Have faith."

Helga was led blindfolded down the street by Lila and Jicu. After her third time stumbling, she began to get annoyed

"Is this really necessary?" she said, holding on to Lila's arm lest she faceplant on the sidewalk.

"You said you would trust me," Lila said matter-of-factly. "And you wanted my help. I need to know that I have your utmost cooperation in all of this."

Helga made a disapproving sound. "Right now I feel like a lamb being led to the slaughter...."

Finally, they stopped, after Helga could sense they ascended a short flight of steps. Jicu undid Helga's blindfold so that she could see again. When her eyes had adjusted she realized she was on the front porch of a familiar household. Immediately, her blood ran cold.

"Wait....wait a minute! This is....!"

The door opened; on the other side was an overly-eager Rhonda, grinning ear-to-ear with delight.

"I knew this day would come," Rhonda said. "Come – let me work my magic!"

Helga turned to stare daggers into the girls that had brought her to the Wellington-Lloyd household. "You dirty traitors!"

There was no escape. Gleefully, Lila and Jicu pushed Helga into the house, and Rhonda shut the front door behind them.

The girls quickly ushered their captive into Rhonda's room and sat Helga down on a plush chair in front of a vanity mirror. Jicu crowded the door so Helga could not make a break for it, while Lila put her hands on Helga's shoulder, holding her firmly to the seat.

"If you don't let me go right now, you three are going to wish you've never been born...!"

"Oh hush, Helga," chided Rhonda. "Your threats hold no power here. This is MY arena, and now that you're on MY turf, I'm in control."

Helga stared down Rhonda hatefully. "You are so dead."

"What do you propose, Rhonda?" asked Lila, pretending not to hear the death threat.

"Hmm..." Rhonda placed a hand to her face and walked thoughtfully around Helga. "I think we'd better start with the basics. First of all, that unibrow's got to go..."

She picked up a pair of tweezers and went toward Helga. "Get those tweezers out of my face unless you want to digest them."

Rhonda dropped the tweezers. "On second thought, unibrows are all the rage...I think Nancy Spumoni is rocking one this season."

"Why don't you do something nice with Helga's hair?" suggested Jicu.

"An excellent idea, Ji-ji!" exclaimed Rhonda, who pulled the pink ribbon out of Helga's hair.

Helga was incensed. "What do you think you're doing?!"

Rhonda sighed in exasperation, bored with Helga's outrage. "I'm merely remixing your style," she said, retying the bow so that it acted more like a headband, allowing Helga's blonde hair to fall onto her shoulders.

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