a sight for sore eyes

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Private Messages
Tom [MY tom 🤤]
Juniper [MY jupe 🥑]

MY jupe 🥑
hello i know it's like
3am there
but i miss you
i hope you're relaxing
and spending quality time w yo fammalam

MY tom 🤤
the only good thing about jet lag
is that i'm awake
and i can talk to u rn

MY jupe 🥑
you've been there for almost a week
and you're still jet lagged?
baby :(

MY tom 🤤
it's ok it's not like
i have a schedule
i have to follow so i can sleep whenever

MY jupe 🥑
i guess that's true

MY tom 🤤
i've always been shit w jet lag

MY jupe 🥑
me too
i don't sleep anyway

MY tom 🤤
oh i know
idk how you function sometimes

MY jupe 🥑
dude i have no idea either
coffee and alcohol

MY tom🤤
shhh you're not of age
the FBI agent assigned to you
is having an aneurysm

MY jupe 🥑
well you just stated i was underage
so yeah now he def knows
if i get fined you're paying xoxo

MY tom 🤤
psssh as if
nah i'd bail you out no matter how much

MY jupe 🥑
oof i love that
how is home

MY tom 🤤
its really good
i really missed it
and my family and tessa
but mainly tessa

MY jupe 🥑
i wanna meet tessa

MY tom 🤤
you will one day
she'll love you
she loves everyone she's such a sweetheart

MY jupe 🥑
she's the prettiest dog i've ever seen
and paddy is the handsomest
not ur brother

MY tom🤤
i'd hope you weren't leaving me
for my 14 y/o brother

MY jupe 🥑
my FBI agent
really gonna arrest me
if you don't stop talking

MY tom 🤤
hi mr FBI agent 👋🏼👋🏼

MY jupe 🥑
you're the worst

MY tom 🤤
u a bad liar
my mum keeps asking about you

MY jupe 🥑
oh no

MY tom 🤤
i tell her all good things
there's nothing bad to tell anyway

MY jupe 🥑
am i gonna meet her

MY tom 🤤
one day hopefully

MY jupe 🥑
eek i don't want too

MY tom 🤤
she loves you
i'll have to meet two mums
that's worse than one

MY jupe 🥑
that is true
i wanna meet sam and paddy
your paddy not my paddy

Repercussions | Tom hollandDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora