Sora, Roxas and Hayner where about to go into the door with the green V, but then they saw smoke coming from the door to the real world. "Woah....what's that?" Roxas asked. All three ran to door, and darted though and entered Mark's house. They truned around and saw that the PlayStation 2 was on fire. "Get the fire extinguisher!" Roxas screamed. Hayner ran to get it.
Sora felt a littel faint. This was in his nightmare, and if this is his nightmare come true, that means that the ps2 is going to explode!
Sora grabbed the extinguisher from Hayner and tried to put it out, but just like in the dream, the lever was jammed. "COME ON!" Sora yelled. Luckily enough, the lever released, and the foamy substance shot out. Sora put out the flames before it could explode. "Can it still turn on?" Roxas asked. Sora pressed the power button, and it turned on. Everyone sighed in relief. Just about then Mark's brother David came out of his room. "Oh hey Sora, Roxas and Hayner!" He said. Then he saw the white foamy substance all over the place. "What happened?" He asked. "The PlayStation 2 was on fire." Roxas said. David looked surprised. " it fine now?" He asked. Sora and the rest nodded. "Ok" he said.
"Sora, your boyfriend will be here in an hour." David said. "That's ok, we need to do something important." Sora said. "You sure you don't what him to come with you? You two haven't seen each other for over three days." David said. Sora knew that, but he did not want Mark to get hurt, yes Mark can use the keyblade, but Sora just really cares about him, and did not want him to get hurt. "That's ok, just tell him I'll see him later ok?" Sora said.
"Ok, will do" David said as he waved by at them as they jumped into the portal.

The Video Game Spree (Remake Is Out)
ActionThere is trouble going on in the video games that Mark owns, and it is up to Sora and Roxas and Hayner to try and stop it!