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The following day, Draco walked into the Great Hall with Blaise for breakfast.
He had felt awkward all morning mostly due to the fact that a vast number of people had stopped to look at him, stare, giggle and walk away.

At first, he had thought he had something stuck on his forehead or in between his teeth but there was nothing.

Blaise had seen him fidgeting and squirming and said he would walk in front if Draco was so afraid and concerned of what other people thought. At that, he had pulled himself together and walked with Blaise feeling a bit more confident. And ashamed at what a sissy he was.

But the moment he walked into the Hall a sudden outbreak of chatter broke out. Some people were pointing at Harry and looking back and forth between them.

Harry seemed to be used to it at this stage and ignored the chaos, his head buried in a copy of the Daily Prophet. Christopher sat beside him reading the Quibbler.

Occasionally he would look to Christopher and smile, talking to him with the softest purest gaze.

Christopher too seemed to ignore the ruckus around him but his cheeks were tinged an unnatural pink and his eyes had a hard glint. When he thought Harry wasn't looking he would look around and listen to the gossip.

Draco sat down beside Milicent and a loud brunette Seventh Year. Milicent introduced her as Bernice Halle, the editor of the Hogwarts Herald.

The Hogwarts Herald was the school newsletter and had started a few days ago after the whole house unity barrage. It was written so everyone would know everything and was mostly used as a self-updating gossip column.

Before he could even pour himself a goblet of pumpkin juice the Seventh Year began attacking him with questions.

"Is Harry Potter cheating on Christopher with you?"
"What were you two doing in the library together yesterday? We saw you at the couple's table together, laughing!"
"Do you like him? Are you even gay?"


"Why would he like you?"

Draco sighed and looked at Blaise.

"I don't see why it's anybody's business kid. What Draco does is up to him"

"So are you dating Draco?"

Blaise sighed exasperatedly.
"Let's go somewhere else Draco. Get some food. There are those strawberries and whipped cream that you love to eat after we fuck"

Draco saw Bernice's face turn red at that and gave a loud guffaw. Several heads turned towards him. He pulled Blaise's head towards him and kissed his forehead, a grin plastered across his face.

Draco left the Hall with Blaise but then had to stop at the door while Blaise spoke to Nott.

He couldn't help but glance at Harry. Harry was pouring maple syrup on his pancakes and glanced up, almost as if he felt Draco's gaze on him. Harry looked at him and smiled, sticking his tongue out. Draco smiled back.

People began pointing. Especially that dumb Slytherin girl, that shallow gossip Bernice.

The chattering was so loud.

He left the Hall with a grin on his face amidst a loud cacophony of voices and an angry-looking Christopher. Christopher turned towards Harry, a scorching glare on his face.


"Draco why was that Bernice girl saying she saw you with Potter? And don't think I didn't notice you smiling at him?"


"Just spit it out"

"It's a long story, Blaise. Harry he-

"Harry? You call him Harry? You two fucking or something?"

"No Blaise. I would never do that. He's dating Fiobani"

"But you would if he was single?"

"Blaise we are just friends. Like new friends. Because of the whole Patronus lesson and tutoring. Yesterday the library was full and my table near the window was taken. The only other table left was his. And somehow we kind of got to talking"

"But the things people are saying. Are you two friends who shag? What would your parents think?"

"Blaise I thought you just told me not to care what people think. And my parents, they just want me to be happy. And they appreciate Harry, they do. As do I. You sound very jealous. So what if I shagged him?"

Blaise huffed. Then grinned at Draco.

"Its good to see you smile and get involved in some drama and gossip once in a while. I feel like the old Malfoy's back"

"He was never gone was he. He's just changed a bit"

"If you do like boys or anyone you will tell me right?"

"Yeah Blaise, you're my best friend."

"We sound a bit gay. Oh ew, Draco don't kiss my cheek you pouf! The kiss earlier was bad enough"

Draco's laugh echoed in the corridor as he and Blaise walked to the grounds to finish their breakfast.


After Lunch, Draco had Defence Against the Dark Arts and this time he wasn't dreading it as much as before.

He headed towards the slumped form of a familiar black-haired boy and sat down murmuring a quiet hello.

Harry murmured it back and sat up. He flashed Draco a watery half limp smile and looked away. He tried turning away but then winced almost as if it was too painful.

Draco sighed. Why was he so awkward today? He looked like he was hurting all over.

"What's wrong Harry? Are you in pain?"

Harry's face dropped his eyes filling with tears. But he didn't speak.

Draco couldn't help but place his palm on Harry's forearm and squeeze. Harry bent his head, leaning it against Draco's arm. He began to murmur and Draco leant in to listen.

"Chris-Christopher broke up with me. He thinks I'm cheating on him with you. He hit me. A lot. If he hadn't I wouldn't have broken up with him. But if he hits me that's something I can't deal with. I mean he should trust me."

"Oh, Harry. These bloody rumours. Sometimes I hate this school"

Harry gulped.
"I shouldn't be so sad. But what we had was so real. More than with Ginny or with Cho or any of my other flings"

Draco sighed.
"I've never seen you cry you know. And you're not a pretty crier. You look worse than Moaning Myrtle when you cry"

Harry snorted and began to laugh. Draco sat back feeling accomplished that he had made his friend smile. And happy that his jibe wasn't taken the wrong way.

"We should go to Borgin and Burkes one day. There's a lot you should see. They've changed now that the Dark Lord's gone and you being there might change them more."

"Is this your idea of a date Malfoy?"

"Scared Potter? That I might kill you in the alley?"

"Shivers running down my spine. But its a deal. I always make deals with the devil"

Draco grinned.
"I want to see you enter the Dark Side"

"Yes master"

Bernice who was sitting behind them gasped. Suddenly she was faced with two boys looking at her with an angry look on their faces. She gulped and mimicked locking her mouth shut.

The boys turned away and huddled over a parchment, shoulders shaking in mirth over the look on poor Bernice's face.

Bernice rolled her eyes. How idiotic those two were. How easy on the eyes they were, just gorgeous. And last but not least, totally completely gay.

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