(Reader speaks in italics and thoughts are in bold.)
I walked inside the shop letting out a loud yawn. "How can i help you Miss?" I placed my rifle on the counter. "I need the barrel replaced and cleaned." He smith nodded inspecting the gun. "That's some serious rust." I shrugged. "I've been up in the mountains for the past couple of weeks." He flashed a smile. "This won't take long. Have a seat." I sat down in the corner browsing through the catalog. I paused arching a brow when i heard shouting and glass breaking. "I'll be back in a second Mister." The shop owner nodded going back to work. I stepped outside the store to see the townsfolk surrounding Arthur and another man he was fighting. 'God damn it Arthur.' The crowed cheered as Arthur climbed on top of the man shoving his face into the mud. "Arthur Morgan!" I snapped angrily causing his head to snap up in my direction. He gave me a sheepish smile before landing another punch knocking the man out. The crowd dispersed seeming disappointed Arthur won. "Did you not hear Dutch when he said keep a low profile!" I shouted at him as he stood up. He was caked in mud. "He started it!" Arthur shouted childishly pointing down at the unconscious man. "Go stand by the horses you goddamn man child!" I snapped storming back to the gun smith. "There you are Miss! I just finished." He handed me back my rifle which was looking beautiful and shiny again. I handed him the money i owed before leaving the store. I found Arthur surrounded by four men. I gripped my rifle tightly and walked over. "Look you best leave before i put a bullet in your head." I threatened firing a warning shot into the air. The men quickly left giving me angry glares. "What was that?" I asked slinging my rifle over my shoulder. "I guess they are the buddies of that guy i knocked out." I shook my head taking in a deep breath. "Go take a bath and get cleaned up." I ordered tossing him the necessary funds. "Since when did you start making the orders?" I sighed. "Since you started acting like a damn kid." I shot back placing my hands on my hips. "I would have been just fine without you back there." I frowned. "Yeah but you could have gotten shot or worse. Arthur i really care about you alright. I don't want you getting hurt." He grinned. "You care about me?" I nodded. "Yes i do. A lot more than i should." He rubbed the back of his neck. "How about after i get cleaned up....we...uh...go do something fun?" I pulled a rag out of my satchel and wiping his face clean. "Like a date?" I asked smirking as his face reddened. "If you want..." I nodded. "I'd like that. But only if you promise me i won't have to rescue you from another fight today." He nodded smiling. "Promise."

Red Dead Redemption 2 Oneshots
FanfictionJust a book full of random fluff and smut of the characters from Red Dead Redemption 2.