Chapter Four

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"Come on my house is this way," Sasuke said his voice monotone. Kakashi raised an eyebrow. Where did that teary-eyed cute helpless lost looking child go? Now it's replaced with a little emo looking boy that has no emotion. Was the scene at the gates an act?

"Ahem!" Sasuke cleared his throat causing Kakashi to look at him. Sasuke looked at him with a frown. "I've been calling you since forever!" He said his frown being the only sign of irritation he showed.

"Tell him 'for an ANBU you're not very attentive.' and add a glare!" Fugaku said. The clan sweatdropped at his actions.

Sasuke looked at Kakashi and gave a glare worthy of an Uchiha. "Aww! Chibi mastered Uchiha look #12 the that is/you are pathetic'  look!" Shisui exclaimed. "He's so grown up!" He fake sobbed. Sasuke kept up his glare despite the conversation only he could hear causing Kakashi to feel exposed. Before the silence could last longer Sasuke sighed. "Well? Did you hear what I said?"

"No," Kakashi said wondering why the supposed sad traumatized Uchiha is all glary and judgy now.

"For an ANBU you're not very attentive are you?" Sasuke asked with a scowl. "I was just thinking maybe you don't answer unless asked. Seems like you just don't pay attention." He glared again.

"That's Uchiha look # 15! The 'how incompetent are you?'  look!" Shisui yelled.

"Hah! That's my son!" Fugaku said proudly.

"You're teaching our child to look down on others," Mikoto muttered.

Sasuke decided then and there to ignore anything asked of him from his dead clan. "Come on. I asked if I had to show you the room." He said softly looking away.

Kakashi raised an eyebrow but it was hidden. "Pardon, if I sound rude but are you bi-polar?" he asked bluntly. Sasuke turned to him wide-eyed.

"No, just can't contain emotions fully." He said as he shrugged. "Once I grow up I will be able to do so more easily."

" the Uchiha poker face is genetic?" Kakashi couldn't help but ask.

"Just get in the house," Sasuke said with a scowl.

"Right," Kakashi asked. 'Damn, I'm not acting like an ANBU at all' he thought and turned only to see Sasuke looking out the door with a sad longing look on his face as tears welled up. Kakashi's eyes widened as he then saw Sasuke wipe his tears and put up a neutral expression. 'Can it be...that the mask of him being all judgy is to hide his pain?'

"Come on this way," Sasuke said as he walked through the mansion he called a house. Soon the room of his parents' death was cleaned of blood and the stench of death. Sasuke had only shown Kakashi the room and refused to go in saying he had to do stuff. Kakashi asked why Sasuke would believe he wouldn't take anything. Sasuke only looked at him and said he wouldn't be able to. When Kakashi left the room after it had been cleaned he was surprised to see the rest of the house squeaky clean. And he meant the whole mansion. Even the windows both in and out were washed!

"You done?" Sasuke asked as he walked through the front door.

"Yes. Did you clean this house by yourself?" Kakashi asked weakly. Here he spent a good hour in that making sure everything was spotless and this kid cleans the whole frickin' mansion! Although, then again he did have to get rid of bloodstains...

"Who else would? We're the only two here." Sasuke asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Right. Well, if that's all..." Kakashi began.

"Actually I changed my mind," Sasuke said.

"About what?" Kakashi asked unaware the dead clan also asked.

"I want to clear some roads," Sasuke said. "I used chalk to outline where you should clean. It seems the only people killed in their homes were my parents and two other houses."

"You went in them?" Kakashi asked.

"I had to clean inside them and organize them but the roads I can't look..." Sasuke said as he paused.

"Do I clear the two houses?" Kakashi asked.

"No, the blood stays and the bodies are gone besides those houses were more of alternate houses so nothing of value is in them just beds. There is no reason for me to stay there let alone visit." Sasuke said.

"Alternate houses?" Kakashi couldn't help but question the boy. Sasuke looked at Kakashi confusion clear on his face. "Yea, every Uchiha family owned two houses and one shop. Doesn't everyone?" Sasuke asked tilting his head.

"" Kakashi said. Sasuke only blinked.

"Oh." Was all he said. "Well, moving on..." Soon certain parts of the road were clear but if you turned you could see blood splattered and the two houses Sasuke spoke of smelled like death. Well, the whole compound had the feeling of death actually...

"Are you sure that's all you want to be cleared?" Kakashi asked it just turned night and truthfully they only cleared the blood to make a pathway from the entrance to the mansion. Kakashi was grateful the rain washed most of the blood away. If one went off the path which was a straight line actually the roads will still have all the blood. Although he was unnerved that Sasuke left the blood on the outside of the houses and the walls.

"That will be all. Thank you for your assistance puppy." Sasuke said with a bow.

"Why do you call me puppy? It's Dog." Kakashi grumbled.

"Do you mind? This is probably the only time I'll see you so it's not like it matters." Sasuke said he looked at the sky. "Hm... it's late. Well, I guess this is goodbye Dog." Sasuke said. Kakashi couldn't help but frown.

"If we see each other again you can call me puppy...I guess." Kakashi grumbled.

"Well, till then," Sasuke said as he waved. Kakashi gave a nod and left to report.

Sasuke sighed before heading home. "Thanks for staying quiet and helping me clean the houses, you guys," Sasuke said once he reached the front of his house. There was his clan who smiled warmly which was strange since Uchiha don't smile but death seemed to make them warmer and more open. As if to shower Sasuke with love and support that they didn't show before.

Sasuke couldn't help but smile back.

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