No P.O.V
-You should probably come early, we don't want you to get late for the ceremony- the lady looked at her in a weird way, but she couldn't care less, life was not worth anymore for her. She could even look at the teacher
-I'll try, but I really don't want to go- the teacher sighed and took (y/n)'s chin so that now the young girl was facing her
-I know you don't, but please make an effort okay? You know what happens if you go home today...-
(Y/n) gulped
-o-okay, thanks again, you really did help me-
-no need to thank me, I'm just really worried about you, that's all-
The girl with (e/c) said goodbye to her tutor and left the school with her headphones on her head, an old skateboard on her arms, a black hoodie with some black rotten pants, and no need to live anymore.
She got on the skateboard which was her brother's and went to her house, too scared to think what could happen when she stepped a foot on the said home.
Will dad be mad at me for being so late? She thought
Maybe mom is not in such a bad state today...
Her eyes were soon watered after thinking of the day before this, she touched her bruised cheek and sighed at the thought of it
Life sucks so damn much
What happens after life thought
Is it better?
Are people really that worried about dying?
You're just at peace
YouShe just wanted to cry
Let all of her worries go with her and never come back
She didn't want to be here
She couldn't take it that muchHer eyes suddenly looked up and hear the loud hunk coming from her side and everything blacked out-
OH ILESH!- you screamed at the sudden dream and left the surface you were resting
Owwww...- you touched your now hurt head and complained, you had fallen to the cold ground with a loud crash
-oh my god! (Y/n) are you okay dear?- the voice of a lady echoed through your hurt head
-yeah, thank you I jus- wait...- you looked up and founded yourself with kusuo's mom
-AH! What am I doing here?!- you saw the room you were in and surprised yourself after seeing the fact that you were in saiki's house
-oh right, maybe you don't remember but, you fell asleep during your study session and we didn't wanted to wake you up, that's why you slept here- the woman showed a kind smile that you could only grinned too
-thanks... even tho, you could just wake me up- you were soon interrupted by the same woman
-I told Ku-Chan if he could just carry you to your house but he completely refused- she paused -so I decided to let you sleep on the couch, hope you don't feel bad-
-ah, don't worry about it, thank you-
She smiled
-don't worry, this is now your house, you can come whenever you want-
You thank her and she went back to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, you sighed and pulled your (h/c) on a ponytail
Why is she so nice to me when yesterday she was literally dying of anger when she took me to the kitchen...
-you finally woke up-
You felt a gaze on your back and quickly turned around to find yourself with your classmate in some green pajamas
-I did, sorry for sleeping in your house- you smiled awkwardly as kusuo sat on the couch
-I didn't wanted to, but my mom basically threatened me to let you sleep instead of waking you up-
You nodded at the thought of saiki being scolded by his mother
-you look uglier when you sleep you know? -
You turned your head dramatically at him as he sipped some of his tea that was on his cupWhen did he prepare tea?
-what? Why thank you! And let me guess you look absolutely flawless when you sleep huh?- you paused sarcastically
-not everyone has superpowers kusuo-
His head almost snapped at your simple yet ironically words
Does she knows? Was that a joke? Maybe she's trying to cover up her secret identity? Maybe she's just stupid...
-Yare,Yare, talking nonsense since morning ( y/n)- he mumbled while getting up and getting to the kitchen
-look whose talking saiki kusuo...- you mumbled too
——————-time skip 1 hour—————————-
You P.O.V-thanks for letting me stay, but I have to go now- saiki's mom looked at me and sighed with a kind smile which I responded awkwardly, I wasn't still used to show that much affection but I was getting better at it
-sure, you can come whenever you want sweetie, our doors are open- the lady came to me so she could give me a soft and gentle hug but I flinched and looked away
'I can't... I still can't do that'
-oh... oh well we'll see each other again, I know that- his mother winked and bowed to me in a good manner way and I smiled too
-kusuo will walk you to your house- she said
-I'm what?- saiki asked shocked
-yes, you can't leave a young lady walking through the streets alone, go on Ku-Chan-
-I appreciate it mrs. saiki but I can manage on my own- I smiled widely even thought I did wanted him to walk me home, maybe I could find more about him that way
-see? She's not a poor lady in danger mom- kusuo spatted at me
'How dare he?!'
-ah?! Well you aren't necessarily the charming prince who appears on tales you do realize that?- I said back at him with a sarcastic yet somehow playful tone, he only rolled his eyes
-whatever, who would want to save you?-
-who would want to be saved BY you?-
I looked at him angrily and bowed fast to his mother, saying a quick goodbye and leaving the saiki's house for good... maybe...
Being saved by saiki kusuo? Yeah right. I think I would have to save HIM, who needs someone? No one, who need saiki? No one
My thoughts were loud in my head, so loud I didn't even heard the sound of big footsteps going behind me. Soon talking my waist and putting their dirty hand on my mouth
-don't think of screaming or you'll have to pay sweetheart- a tall man said with a raspy voice, all I could do before looking right into his eyes was gulp
-who the hell are you? What do you want?- I said calmly, it wasn't that much of a worrier even thought I was being assaulted right there
-you really are a beauty aren't ya?- another man suddenly showed up, he looked older but not more of 28 years old
-I don't have money, it would be a waste to assault me-
-oh ho ho ho...- yet another voice sounded behind the other two males
-we don't want your money honey...-
Oh shit maybe we should have walked home
————— In saiki's house———————————
Saiki P.O.V
When (y/n) leaves my house I sighed in relieved and went on the T.V and watched some show which unfortunately I already knew the end of it
I wasn't used to have visits on my house, never girls. Only teruhashi-San, and it was completely chaos to be honest
At least (y/n) kept me entertained...
I looked down and saw her math notebook in the brown table
Yare yare, can't even keep her things in order
I decided to take her notebook tomorrow at school but sadly my mom had already seen the notebook
-Ku-Chan, that's (y/n) notebook right? She must need it for homework
'I already did it for her'
I thought, but I wasn't gonna tell my mom that, it would look weird..-go give it to her, and no powers understood? Don't teletransport to her house-
I sighed... ugh why me?
I walked slowly to (y/n)'s house until I heard some male voices and a quite familiar feminine yet raspy voice
-okay, I'm being honest here! Let me go or you'll have problems!-
-what are you gonna do to us huh? You can't sweeetie, it's 3 against 1, just surrender
Damn it, I should have walk her home
Just as I was about to intervene i saw 1
4 fast movements and the 3 big guys were soon on the floor, one of them praying for it to endWh... what?
-what the fuck is wrong with you?! What are you??- the leader asked, (y/n) clutched the leader's shirt and smirked sarcastically
-I'm (real name), don't forget that. If you ever need anther beating just call me, I'm a profesional at it-
And she left
Yare yare... so she is not human I thought
Hiiiiiii, short and crappy chapter I know ! I'm sorry about it but I haven't updated in so long that I thought I needed something, also, it didn't have that much interaction with saiki I'm sorry >~< I'll work on it, I'm not that great of a writer but I'll try my best ^u^
Thanks for reading and againI love you 💕