jikook // ignored

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That picture is only there because I have no sense of humor and will laugh and basically anything so you know

I've had this idea for like ever so why not lmao

I was going to request some other author that's actually good at writing little space bullshit then I was like "ha ha f u ck you-" and wrote it myself because why not

It's really cliche but I could care less 

Also I didn't write any of the caregiver nicknames because it feels weird for me to write that so like sorry I guess???????





Jungkook had been sitting on the couch for twenty minutes, hoping for some form of attention other than, "Jungkook, I'm trying to deal with Tae Tae, could you play somewhere else please?" Sadly, that's all he'd been getting for the past few days.

Tae had been getting very little sleep lately, which caused him to have a lot of nightmares for no explainable reason. Jungkook purposely hadn't been in little space very often for that very reason. Jimin had been so stressed with having to take care of the two of them on top of all the work for his job lately.

Whenever he was little, he tried to at least be around his caregiver without getting in his way. Truth be told, it hurt him a little that he wasn't getting attention. Jimin didn't call him his little nickname very often anymore, but he understood.

Work was stressful, taking care of them just added onto that. Jimin was sitting on the floor, Tae next to him, reading a children's story to him softly.

Jungkook wanted that to be him instead of the older. He wanted so desperately to be in Taehyung's place it hurt, but he didn't say anything.

The youngest sighed quietly and walked up the stairs to his room, eyes watering.

He opened the door and picked up a small stuffed rabbit that he often cuddled next to while sleeping. "Bu-bunny, Jimi-Jiminie doesn' l-li-wike me any'ore." He cried, voice high pitched and struggling to pronounce commonly used words.

The rabbit he had named "Bunny" now had drops of water stuck to the soft fabric of it's head. He named it that because that's what Jimin always called him when he wasn't referring to him as "Kookie".

His strangled cries and sobs grew louder as time went on, but not loud enough for Jimin to notice.

Eventually, he ended up falling asleep with the rabbit pressed closely to his chest.


Jimin sighed when Tae had been complaining that he was hungry. He stood up from the floor tiredly and ruffled Tae's hair. "Okay kiddo, I'll get some food ready soon." He said softly and walked over to the kitchen.

He started some rice in the rice cooker and looked through the refrigerator for any leftovers. After digging around a bit, he found a box of what he had leftover from lunch right in front of him. "Jeez, am I blind or something?" He mumbled and opened the box. He bought teriyaki chicken from a Panda Express and purposely ordered more than he would eat for this exactly purpose.

He quickly heated it up on the stove, adding a little extra sauce to it, before the rice cooker beeped loudly. "Dinner's ready!" He yelled and served two bowls of rice with a plate of the chicken on the side, leaving some in the pan if they wanted extra.

The oldest rubbed his eyes tiredly and counted how many of them were at the table. "One, two,... Shit!" He yelled and slammed his chopsticks on the table before sprinting upstairs.

Jimin heard Taehyung whining loudly but ignored it. God, he felt absolutely terrible right now. When was the last time he even made eye contact with his little Kookie?

"Jungkookie?" He whispered and worried more when he received no response. He was so close to breaking down, crying, and begging the younger for forgiveness. Then he realised the door might be unlocked.

He tested it and almost threw the door open when he realised it was unlocked. He panicked when he didn't immediately see Jungkook, then he looked to the bed and exhaled deeply.

The caregiver walked over and looked at the younger's face, noticing the tear stains on his pale cheeks. His eyes started watering, realising that it was his fault that the boy was locked in his room in the first place.

"Oh, Jungkookie. Jimine's so sorry." He whispered, brushing Jungkook's hair out of his eyes.

He groaned quietly and opened his eyes. "Go 'way." He mumbled, trying to go back to sleep. Jimin cooed at the younger's behaviour. "Kookie, time to wake up. Dinner's ready downstairs." Jungkook slowly opened his eyes again, surprised that he came to wake him up.

"B-But w'at 'bout Tae Tae?" He asked, his headspace younger than it usually was for obvious reasons. "Tae Tae is okay by himself right now. I'm so so sorry for ignoring you, sweetie." Jimin hugged the taller boy, whose eyes were watering with happy tears.

"Come on baby, let's go get you some food." Jimin picked up the boy and walked him downstairs. Jungkook buried his face in Jimin's neck when he sat down at the table.

Jimin cooed again and started feeding Jungkook the dinner he hadn't really put much effort into. "How about me, you, and Tae Tae share my big bed tonight?" He suggested and Jungkook smiled widely, still seating in Jimin's lap.

"Can we?!" He asked happily. The shorter picked him up and nodded. "Tae Tae!" Jimin let Jungkook out of his arms, and yelled for the second youngest. Said person came running into the dinning room and was slightly surprised to see Jungkook downstairs as late as it was, adding onto the fact he was in little space.

The three of them walked up to the master bedroom and Jungkook threw himself on the soft bed. Jimin smiled at the sight and laid down next to him along with Taehyung.

They all fell asleep almost right after they had gotten comfortable with Jungkook and Jimin smiling like the complete idiots they were in their sleep.


Okay so this isn't the best thing I've ever written but I tried

Writing is hard when you've been worrying about a cat that's probably low-key traumatized from going to the vet for shots and also having a headache

I'll try to write something actually good soon ish probably I have no goddamn clue

Originally this was vminkook but then it ended up being more jikook centered on accident


Word count: 1098

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