Chapter 37

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Jisoo and Rosé were near the yacht club.

Jisoo had received a message telling her that Jennie and Seulgi were going to talk right in front of the club, so without her friend knowledge, she decided to be watching the scene.

She put her hands in her pockets and sat on the pavement next to Rosé, who remained silent with her.

"I think Jennie has forgiven you inside her mind, you know", the red-haired girl whispered. "I'm happy for you."

Rosé turned and looked at her with a smile.

"Thanks, Chu. I think that without you I wouldn't have succeeded."

The two looked at each other for a few seconds — seconds that felt eternal, of course. Jisoo ended up laughing and looked straight ahead.

"No need to thank me, Rosé. I like helping people."

Jennie left home with a jacket on. At night, in Busan the temperatures were lower and a simple shirt was not enough. She took her chain from inside her jacket and kissed the anchor.

She put her hands in her pockets and walked with her shoulders hunched to the yacht club. She had not planned anything at all, she was going to say everything she's ever wanted to tell her.

Jennie would use all her weapons, the same as Seulgi's used against her.

She just smiled at the thought. Jennie couldn't wait until she could finally feel like a winner.

She waited in front of the yacht club. She didn't know, but Rosé and Jisoo were close. Jennie looked around and saw a figure approaching to her. She had a cigar in her mouth and walked quietly, looking at her.

Jennie was surprised that Seulgi was alone.

Before coming to Jennie, Seulgi tossed her cigar away and turned to walk towards her with a mischievous smile on her lips.

"They are there", Jisoo whispered, watching the scene. "I'm nervous."

"Jennie will be fine. She knows how to defend herself now. However, I don't think that Seulgi will dare to hit her. By making use of violent behavior against a yacht club member, whether competitor or not, they could penalize you."

Jisoo stood silently watching the scene with the mobile phone in hand and a message in the draft, which would be sent if necessary.

"With that text message, especially the part in which you say "if you have the guts" I thought you would have brought Lisa to beat me... oh, no! You had to get away from your woman!" Seulgi laughed in front of Jennie, who showed a straight face.

"Where have you left your bitch, Seulgi? Normally I always see you with him", the brunette replied, raising her chin, facing her.

"My bitch?" Seulgi raised an eyebrow something angrily. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"The bitch you carry everywhere! The same you convinced to go to the lockers so you would blackmail me, for example."

"What the fuck are you talking about?" She repeated, this time angrily. "Speak, Kim!" Seulgi growled, cracking her knuckles.

"I have in my hand..." Jennie pulled out her phone from her pocket " amazing recordings in which you show off the world the cocky, homophobic and complete asshole self you are! But not only that..." she grinned, looking at Seulgi. "I have thirteen amazing photos — yet intriguing — of you and your bitch."

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