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I'm updating during school, ayyyeeee.

:,) I don't want to be here.

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        Levi head looked up at the figure. He had the body of a male and he was wearing an orange hoodie with a black mask covering his face. The mask had red eyes and frown.

Levi was taken back by it as he shot up quickly taking a step back, this caused the figure to laugh. Levi jerked his head to side to see if his fellow companions noticed the presence of the unknown male.


He looked back as the man held his hand out, dangling from his black glove was a gold locket. Levi's eyes widen slightly as he reached out for it only for the person to jerk their hand back.

"Is this yours?" The person asked, clearly entertaining himself from this scenario. Levi shook his head while quickly explained that it belonged to the girl. The person turned its head over to see the teachers and girl looking around for it before turning back to little Levi.

"Ah, I'll give it to you" the mystery person began, "if you tell me your name and who your parents are" he finished while Levi could feel the guy grinning under his mask.

Why does he need to know? He understands the name part but does he really need to know his parents?

Thinking that it doesn't hurt to answer the questions and complied.

"I'm Levi, Levi Miller" he mumbled as he held his hand out for the item. The man hovered the item over the boys open palm, teasing him slightly.

"You still haven't answered the other questions" he mused while Levi started to grow anxious. Why does it matter?

"Sam and Julia Miller" he mumbled, "I was adopted by them- so I was told" Levi whispered more so to himself. Of course his parents never hid the fact that he wasn't theirs but he didn't care. They loved him plus they told him stories about his birth mother so he was somewhat content. 

The figure only looked at the boy as he dangled the item above his palm.

"Do you know the names of your birth parents by any chance?" He asked as Levi took a look back at the others in hopes they would spot him.

They didn't.

He looked back at the man before answering.

"That wasn't the deal" Levi glared up at the man before grabbing the chain and yanking it out of his hands. The man was taken back by this before trying to get it back.

"Look child" the man growled, "just answer the damn question before I kill you" just as those words escaped his lips Levi screamed grabbing the attention of the adults as all their heads snapped towards them.

Quickly, one of the teachers ran towards Levi and the man and pushed the man away. He fell to the ground while the teacher stood in-front of a, slightly smirking, Levi.

'That little—' the mans thoughts were cut off by the teachers booming voice.

"Who are you?" The teacher demanded him to answer as he went on, "tell is now or we are calling the police".

The man only growled slightly before getting up and running deep into the forest. Not before turning and saying one sentence that shook Levi to the core.

"I'll be back for you, Levi" with that the guy vanished and the guide ushered everyone out of the forest.

       Later that day the girl had gotten her necklace back and cops were called, they took Levi's statement and sent a call to Levi's mother. They had to tell them by law.

Levi's mother and father were worried sick as the news reached their ears. They have been down this road before, they couldn't tell anyone this, but this was to much. They told them that they would still stay the week since the parents paid a lot of money for the trip but will have to change some things around.

Julia agreed despite Sam's protest, in the end Levi stayed as well as the other kids.

That night Levi laid awake in his bed as his other three roommates were fast asleep. He looked to the side only to see the outline of his buddy sleeping soundless. He rubbed his eyes before sliding out of bed, his feet taking him to the glass doors that led to the outside balcony.

He sat in front of the glass as the moonlight gave the forest a nice reflection. He gazed into the forest in hopes to maybe find something. He doesn't know what or why but he wanted to find something.

"Why do I feel like this" he mumbled to himself as he hugged his knees, from an early age he could feel that he was different. Not terribly different but just, off.

He never really cried about things, he tend to play by himself. He wasn't overly obedient but he was well above the line of a normal child.

He hated seeing people upset or hurt, it always stung his heart to see someone distressed. He tried everything he could to be useful despite his blunt personality.

He was just...


Not just his personality, but his mind, he had nightmares and vision that were unexplainable. He would constantly wake up in a cold sweat or get sick in the mornings because of it. He would even wail and scream at night; so his parents say.

Why couldn't he just be normal? What made him so different?

There were others like him, he knows this. He couldn't be that different, right?

He hoped so, he wanted someone to tell him that he's okay. That it's normal to have these things but he knows it's not. The therapist reminded him of that, no other kid his age goes to therapy! Clearly that's a sign.

He hung his head low as he kept hugging his knees.

He hated this.
He hated this feeling.
He hated his nightmares.
He hated his stupid visions.
He hated this world.

He hated to live.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!

It's almost thanksgiving!! :D

Love you all!!

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