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It was late at night. Most people were sleeping at night, but they weren't just ordinary people. It was Friday and on Friday, the Shins, the Baes, the Parks and the Lees got together. It was like a big family reunion except for one thing: they weren't family and Shin Aera was going to make sure of that.

The Parks, Kangmin and Jung-hye had two children; Jihoon and Woojin. The Lees, Minkyu and Jisoo had one child; Daewhi. The Baes, Keonseok and Jisun had two children; Jinyoung and Suji. The Shins, Hyun-sik and Haeri had three children; Soohee, Aera and Jinhwan. The middle Shin child wasn't fond of Bae Jinyoung. In simple words: she hated his guts.


All because he blendered her favorite stuffed toy when he was five. He apologized over and over again when he had come to know the reason of her hatred, but she simply rejected his sincere apologies. He came to hate her as well as she was upset over a silly little thing.

"Jinyoung 오빠! (OPPA!). Is it true you got Rank One in your school?" Soohee asked, giving him a big smile.

She might have been fourteen but, she had a huge crush on Jinyoung. Age never really mattered anyways. For instance, take a look at Nymphadora Tonks and Remus Lupin.

"Yes, good." He answered modestly, returning back a small smile as he lifted his head up. The lad glanced in Aera's direction just to see her reaction, but she glared him down. It pissed her off how he could just get the highest marks even if he didn't study, while she worked her arse off.

"Aera 언니 (UNNIE), what rank did you get?" Soohee asked her sister, lacking the same enthusiasm as once. Besides everyone knew the answer. It was hard not to miss when she was being such a grumpy grump. "Rank Two." Aera said curtly, refusing to form any sort of human emotion on her stony face. Soohee just nodded in response before going back to her dinner once ago.

"You know, if it were someone else who got rank one I would be angry at Aera for not getting it but since it's Jinyoung, I'm okay with it." Shin Hyun-sik chuckled, with a knowing smile when Aera's face erupted with yet another scowl. She didn't understand why everyone was so fond of Bae Jinyoung. In her eyes, he's just some average kid with a small head.

"Why don't all of you go the living room? And take Aera with you! You know how she is." Bae Jisun suggested.

"엄마! (MOM!). Do we have to? She's such a nuisance and doesn't even find my jokes funny!"

Jisun gave her son a sharp tap on the head. "Don't say rubbish or i'll throw you in a trashcan. Aera is a good girl. Better than any of those vile girls you've dated. Now she will go with you and that's that. I'm not telling you to cuddle with her."

"Fine! But I'm not talking to her." Aera scoffed and muttered to herself, "as if I want to talk to that thing. I'd rather choke myself...with my thigh."

Luckily, no one heard what she said as they were too indulged in their conversation. She got up from her seat and put her dishes in the sink, then making her way to the living room.

The boys were already playing video games. She slid past them and sat down on the couch before whipping out her phone. A routine she was too familiar with.

Her eyes widened as she saw that three Mystic Messenger chatrooms had opened. She was currently playing 707's route and kept on getting the bad ending. This game really enjoyed messing up her sleep schedule, opening chatrooms at four in the morning.

After she opened them, she screamed in frustration. Would she ever get the good ending? The probability seemed unlikely.

Jinyoung had noticed her and stared at her weirdly while she was screaming dramatically without any sound. He got up and peeked at her phone from behind. it read 'Bad Ending'.

"What's up?" he asked nonchalantly before taking a seat beside her. "Yah! Don't creep up on me like that again and it's none of your business."

"Tch, whatever. Do you want to play fortnite with us?" He offered kindly. She stared at him like a deer in headlights and was waiting for him to burst into laughter, but when he didn't, she took it as a queue to speak. "Uh well, I don't know how so—"

"지금 농담하는거야? (WHAT, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?). What have you actually accomplished in your life besides being an insufferable know-it-all and stubborn arse?" His disconcert expression caused her to laugh and then send him daggers at him.

Her mind was blank, really. All her life her parents made studying her main priority. She couldn't think of anything and paused for a moment to think when he gave her a smug look.

"I'm good at pickup lines and basically a walking meme." Aera said with a proud smile. He furrowed his eyebrows and proceeded, "no, Aera. I meant like actually something which could get you somewhere in life."

"You can actually get somewhere with those fine skills! I could be a comedian!" She argued. "Your soul is dryer than the Sahara desert. I beg to differ."

She punched him slightly in the chest and coughed in surprise when she felt weird sparks. "Tell me one then. Go on." He motioned her to continue. "Alright. Did you just fart? Because you blew me away." She winked, but it looked like something was inside her eye and she was trying to get it out...?

Jinyoung made a disgusted face. "Leave the winking to Jihoon, it's something he's actually good at."

"Boy, you loved when I said that. Just admit it!"

. . .

With love,

. . .

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