Chapter 17 - Back on The Millennium Falcon

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Finn led Kylo Ren down the corridors, holding onto his elbow, walking with a sense of purpose but not so briskly as to draw attention. Inside his helmet, he was muttering to himself- keep calm, the plan will work, this is working, and why was he saving this man? Finn had not understood the situation when Poe had told them that Rey had left with Kylo Ren; apparently, it was out of choice. After everything Kylo had done, torturing Poe, nearly killing him and killing Han, Finn couldn't understand why she was with him, why they were rescuing him.

"I can hear you," Kylo whispered out the side of his mouth through gritted teeth to Finn.

Finn picked up the pace slightly, ignoring him, "Keep walking," he said sternly, gripping Kylo's arm a little tighter.

"You there," a Commander was walking towards them. Finn abruptly halted, as did Kylo and next to him, Jakub and Rey did the same. "Where are you taking these prisoners?"

"Emergency procedure, Commander. We're taking the prisoners to an escape shuttle to board another ship."

"The escape pods have launched it's a full system failure; go to hangar twelve and be quick about it."

"Yes, Commander".

The Commander rushed past them, and Finn and the others continued, not far now, to the maintenance hangar, and then they'd be safe; there were a few more turns and corridors. Troops of stormtroopers were marching in different directions. Officers and commanders were frantically trying to fix the issues. Finally, they turned into the maintenance hangar, but as they did so, blasts sounded behind them. It couldn't be easy, just once.


Rose stood on the boarding ramp of the Falcon, nervously looking around the hangar, her hacking device still in her hands. Since the alarms had gone off, Rose had to continue controlling systems to avoid the sirens being turned off. She could hear the commotion before she saw it. Shouts and blaster fire, and then she saw two troopers- that had to be Jakub and Finn because Rey and Kylo Ren were with them. Rey and Kylo were fending off blaster shots with their sabers, and Jakub and Finn were blasting back.

One of the troopers shouted to her, "Get inside, start taking off!" 

Finn. She dashed inside, yelling down the corridors as she did so to Chewie. "We've got trouble. Start to take off."


Finn ran towards the boarding ramp, occasionally turning to continue blasting. Rey was close behind him, and then Jakub. Kylo was the furthest behind, and as he turned to join them, he was hit by a blaster in the shoulder. Rey started to run back towards him as Finn blasted the troopers entering the hangar to help protect them. Kylo was moving faster now but not enough, and as he tried to defend himself from the blaster shots, another caught him near the ribs, and he spun onto his back onto the boarding ramp.

"Jakub!" Rey yelled, "Help me!"

Jakub went to Kylo, pulled his arm over his head, and dragged him up. "Force be damned, you're heavy," he cursed as he heaved him into the ship.

"Let's go, let's go, close the main hatch!" Finn yelled towards the cockpit.

Rey was now on the boarding ramp, standing in front of Jakub and Kylo, defending them from any further injuries while walking backwards. Finn stood next to her, blasting anything that moved.

"Let's go, punch it!" he yelled again.

The main hatchway was closing slowly, so the ship was defending them more and more, and then finally, it shut. Behind the closed door, Finn could hear the barrage of fire harmlessly hitting the exterior of the freighter, and he allowed himself to let out a sigh of relief. The low-pitched rumble of the engines of the Falcon became a deafening roar as the ship left the hangar and spun around fast before jumping straight to light speed. Finn removed his helmet, and before he could do anything else, Rey had him in a tight hug, "You came for me. Again! Thank you! Thank you!"

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