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You and Kyoya both agreed to keep your new relationship away from the rest of the host club for the time being, and Haruhi wasn't the type to gossip so that wasn't a worry. You just didn't know how the other hosts would react about this new development. And things went nice and smooth that way for nearly two months. You would still visit the host club and request Haruhi, the twins or Kyoya to sit with during club hours. That was the normal routine and, at first, club activities didn't bother you but you were slowly getting more and more upset with the fact that Kyoya was entertaining other girls and they all seemed so clingy.

To be honest, the normal guests Kyoya had didn't bother you, it was the new girl that showed up halfway through the year and was instantly obsessed with your boyfriend. She would cling to him and be around him damn near all the time, even when you were visiting him as a club guest. It irked you to no end, and for the past week that she'd been here, you had just let it slide, not wanting to blow the secret of your relationship in front of the hosts or guests. This burning anger that would bubble up in your stomach whenever you saw Renge clinging to your Kyoya was something you weren't used to feeling. And it could be easily described with one simple word. Jealousy.

One day, you finally had enough of it, unable to take it quietly anymore. You waited until club hours were over and Renge was just hanging around your boyfriend who was typing away on his laptop, trying to ignore her. You entered the music room and spotted him easily with the noisy girl next to him. God, her voice was grating on your ears... but never mind that. Tamaki was about to come over and have a chat with you but saw the death glare you were giving Renge and Kyoya and backed right off, a bit nervous about what was about to go down.

You forced yourself to smile a little, though your gaze was anything but sweet as you cleared your throat a little and spoke up across the room. "Kyoya-Senpai, could we talk a moment in private?" The raven-haired boy looked up at you, pausing in whatever it was he was writing on his laptop. He waited a moment as if to think on what you requested of him but you knew he would respond with a nod. When he did, you walked over to the back room and waited for Kyoya to follow you in before closing the door in Renge's face who had tried to follow Kyoya like a lost puppy.

"You seem awfully worked up, something the matter?" he asked you and you felt your cheeks heat up a little bit, watching him smirk slightly as if he knew exactly what this was about. Damn him and being so perceptive. "I don't like that girl. Renge. She's too clingy with you and even when club isn't open for business." You huffed and he chuckled, finding your jealousy about this to be quite adorable. "I'm going to guess that you want me to make her go away in one way or another?" you were a little surprised as he took the words out of your mouth but you nodded sheepishly and looked down at the floor, awkwardly playing with the skirt of your uniform. Your rage had all but left and now you were just standing there awkwardly, embarrassed that you'd gotten so upset about it. Renge was a guest and it was part of his club activities to entertain her.

"I'll try to get her to be a bit less clingy, but she's still a guest to the Host Club so I can only stop her from being around me outside of club hours. Is that going to be okay with you?" He asked with a slight bit of worry in his tone, not wanting to see you upset again... even if he did think you were cute when you got angry. You huffed a little, not happy about it but you did agree. "Fine.. but on one condition." "And that condition would be...?" he trailed off, waiting for you to complete that statement. "We tell the other hosts about our relationship," you said, voice a little quiet, nervous he might refuse but to your pleasant surprise, he nodded in agreement instead. "That sounds reasonable. It's been a little longer than two months now anyway, it's about time we made our status known to the rest of the club." Kyoya said thoughtfully, a hand resting on his chin as he tried to think of how to tell the other hosts without it becoming some huge deal.

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