Short Chapter
Normally the wind doesn't get this bad in New York but when it does this can only mean two things either a storms coming or a demon is visiting earth. Sadly it's not a storm. Which is just great for me because I just love other demons I mean when they visit we do each other's hair and like nails. Ya I wish but hell to the no we don't. I hate other demons especially one named Clementine. Don't be fooled by the name she's not a sweetheart she could literally be the devil herself. The funny thing is as I'm talking about her in my mind she's actually here and she's walking down the street towards me with that devilish smile of hers."Monte! So great to see you" she smiled and gave me a very tight hug like literally I didn't think I could breathe. "Oh I wish I could say the same!" I said quickly pushing the little monster off of me. "Your funny Monte" she giggled and I gave a small laugh "haha ya I'm pretty funny except that wasn't a joke". Her face became serious and she stared into my eyes "Alright let's get down to business" she pulled out a picture of a teenage girl smiling. "Why are you showing me this!" I hissed at her and she smiled "because I need you to find her". "What do you mean find her?? She's supposed to be locked away!" Clementine smiled "Oh ya about that your sister got free and she's probably out for revenge on you and Shawn". "What!?" My eyes literally bulged out of my sockets "How did she get out!". "Hey don't get mad at me she's your sister and it's not my fault Victoria's insane!" Clementine snapped back. "Just find her before she finds you" that was the last thing she said before the wind picked up one last time and the little rat was gone.