Chapter 4 A Visit to the Old Well

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My eyes flickered open and analyzed the room. Leisel, Jason, Leo, and Ophelia all eagerly sat around me. Ophelia  rubbing my arm lightly while Leisel stroked my hair.

"You're awake." An evident sigh of relief escaped from Leo.

"How long was I out this time?" I asked them.

"Four hours... we are so sorry Annabel" Leisel said sinking to the ground in disappointment.

"Shhhh it's okay" I said while getting up and holding her closely. "It's my fault, I denied you all for so long I know how addicting my blood is and I've tempted you all."

"Don't speak such things Annabel." Ophelia muttered out.

"We were weak. Your blood, it gives us energy. Revived us, strengthens us and strengthens our bond with you. Even so we need to show restraint, we should never gamble losing you. Without you, we are lost." Jason said locking eyes with my own and grabbing my hand gently.

"Like I said, it is alright. Come it is almost morning and you've all stayed awake to ensure my well being. Sleep." I told them. They did exactly what I said.

Once they drank my blood freshly I could give them any command and they will do it. This last for about a week and after that they merely feel more compelled to listen to me then not. I have not yet figured out if they know this or not. I never planned on telling them either way. As a human in a world of vampires I needed some kind of leverage. I would surely not give this one up.

I lie down in the middle of them as they slept. All of them had some body part touching me to ensure I was there. After what seemed like an hour or two I myself, drifted off to a deep sleep.

"Annabella, Annabella Greythrone. Come."

A sweet voice lured me. I couldn't help but listen to her. I knew I've heard her voice but from where I could not pin point. I followed her voice out of my dorm room away from my lovers who lie sleeping. Golden mist seemed to swirl around me and  golden butterflies swarmed me decorating a beautiful white dress I was suddenly wearing.

The butterflies  hovered around my head like a golden crown. And a few guided me through the mist outside the doors. It had been a long time since I'd seen the sunlight. I'd adjusted to the life of a vampire, sleeping during the day staying awake at night. They lead me away from the school and onto the woods path.

The trees even appeared golden with golden leaves falling down standing out against the white trunks of the trees. After a while of walking the trees seemed to grow dark, the leaves on the branches grew fewer and fewer. Soon enough the trees were dead and ahead of me stood a dark well. The butterflies that once surrounded me beautifully turned black and dropped dead with every step I took.

Three wooden steps lead up to the black stoned well and a old rope hung down from it into the darkness it held below.

As I got closer to the well the whispers could be heard. It seemed souls were trapped there and they called for me,

"Annabella Greythrone" The women's once alluring voice turned raspy and haunting. I wanted to turn back, I wanted to stop but I couldn't,  I couldn't! I wanted to scream I wanted someone to help me.

The worst realization dawned on me then, I wasn't asleep nor was I awake, but this, this is real. I'm going to fall in. I'm going to die.

Tears pooled from my eyes. I wasn't ready to die. I felt someone's presence behind me causing even more fear to rise in me. As I was compelled against my will and walked up the three steps of the well I saw dark silhouettes of creatures reaching out to me trying to pull me to them screaming my name.

Arms wrapped around my waist pulling me from my trance and I let out an ear piercing scream.

"Begone!" A mans voice rang out and I watched as the well got further and further as we seemingly warped away from the well and landed back in front of the school.

I was panting and crying in this persons arms gripping their tight hold on me to ensure they wouldn't leave as I shook violently. I couldn't speak, I couldn't move. I could only replay what happened again and again. Tears continued to fall to the ground and my vision became too blurry to even see.

The man turned me around and held me closely to his chest. I gripped my hands onto their uniform barely breathing.

"Relax, Relax Annabella." He stroked my hair softly helping me relax. The realization dawned on me once I had calmed down.

"Annabella?" I questioned, slowly trying to  look up at their face but the man uttered one word while placing his hand on my head.


I felt my eyes roll into the back of my head as I collapsed into his embrace.

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