okay fuckos part 2

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Kennith ran to the giant transformer and swung the sword at it, putting a dent and stab wound into it, making it spark a little. The transformer grabbed Kennith and threw him against the wall, hurting him pretty bad. His eye was bleeding, and he stumbled back to the transformer. "Izzat all ya got..?!" he said, dizzy. The transformer raised its hand, about to smash him before he dodged by the skin of his teeth before getting smashed. He ran up its arm that went through the floor and jumped up onto its head, plunging the sword into the head of the transformer, causing it to have a critical error. The transformer was defeted, making Kenny boi a hero. He jumped off of it, went to the fridge, made a glass of milk, and drank it in victory sips. A knock came from his door. He set the glass down on the counter and answered the door. It was Greg in a princess gown. "Sigh...i dont get paid enough for this shit..."hippity hoppity, stephanie says you're her property"..."

*POOF!* where was kennith now?!

To Be Continued...

Kennith x Massage Chair (the squeakwal)Where stories live. Discover now