When the moon comes up
So does my depression
I spend most days trying to keep it from boiling in me
But when night comes
It's raging like the flames of hellI try to be asleep by 11 each night
Because when 12 rolls around it hits the most
I think if I was prettier
If I was skinnier
If my stretch marks didn't exist
If my thighs weren't so big
Maybe I wouldn't hate myself so muchBy 1 in the morning I'll craw to the shower
Begging it baptize me
To wash my slate clean
I hope the pain and tears go down the drain with my shampoo and body wash
I scrub until my skin hurts
Until my arms are tired
But nothing changesBecause when night time creeps up on me again
And I fail to fall asleep before 12
I'll be sitting in the shower
Begging for the depression
The Pain
The sadness
To wash away
Like I did on the very first day I ever faced depression

The Pain in Love
PoetryThese are poems. Some are about my ex, some about her before we started dating, some after we broke up, sone after we got back together, some after we broke up again, some about depression, others about loneliness. It's basically my emotions written...