When Midnight Comes

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When the moon comes up
So does my depression
I spend most days trying to keep it from boiling in me
But when night comes
It's raging like the flames of hell

I try to be asleep by 11 each night
Because when 12 rolls around it hits the most
I think if I was prettier
If I was skinnier
If my stretch marks didn't exist
If my thighs weren't so big
Maybe I wouldn't hate myself so much

By 1 in the morning I'll craw to the shower
Begging it baptize me
To wash my slate clean
I hope the pain and tears go down the drain with my shampoo and body wash
I scrub until my skin hurts
Until my arms are tired
But nothing changes

Because when night time creeps up on me again
And I fail to fall asleep before 12
I'll be sitting in the shower
Begging for the depression
The Pain
The sadness
To wash away
Like I did on the very first day I ever faced depression

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