part 1//new school

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i wake up to the sound of my alarm "get your ass up" my dad says "i am ass hole" i say getting out of bed

i make my bed but it turns out a little sloppy but idc. i get my clothes on (in MM)

i walk down satirs to see my dad making out with my mom "dude so foul!" i say making them jump "im taking my car" i add, i grab a apple and walk to my car to see a moving truck and 5 guys about my age probly new neghbors getting in thier car one looks at me and i get chills.

-at school-

i walk to my first class and see all 5 of those guys in my class, "your late miss curry" mrs. brown says "sorry mam" i say taking my seat witch just happens to be next to the guy i saw this morning.

he has blonde dreads, soft lips, and caremel skin, i look opver to him to see him stairng at me "hey you have a pencil" i ask "oh yea" he says grabbing one and handing it to me

he is so cute i want to ask his name but i feel like that would be hella weird

"your steph currys daughter arent you" he says, i get sad cause he is going to start treating me different "yea..i am" i say "dont worry i wont treat you different" he says reading my mind.

i smile at him and his eyes light up "im zion" he says smiling back "jordan" i say

-at home-

i get my sports gear on and i grab my basketball and go outside. im in my backyard playing basket ball when i hear people talking.

i look to my right and see those guys watching me play "what" i say looking back my dad walks out and i hear them whisper someting about me being steph currys oldest kid. i drop my ball and go inside.

im in my room when i look out my window to see zion in his room, he looks back "you wanna go to the mall with me and the guys??" he asks "sure let me get dressed" i say shutting my window

i get dressed in this

i walk outside and they are already in their car, i get in the car and feel everyone stairing at me "what?" i ask "nothing they are just fasented by your beauty-shit" zion says looking out the window "ooooo zion has a crush on jordann" a guy with ...

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i walk outside and they are already in their car, i get in the car and feel everyone stairing at me "what?" i ask "nothing they are just fasented by your beauty-shit" zion says looking out the window "ooooo zion has a crush on jordann" a guy with curly hair says "im edwin" he adds "nice to meet you" i say "this is nick, brandon, and austin and you already  know me and zion" he says pointing out people

-at the mall-

we are in the food court and i see my boyfrined walking up to me "jordan what the hell" he says grabbing my arm and pulling me up "get off me kobe" i say pulling my are, it is no use "lets go" he says dragging me away "hey what the hell" brandon says getting up, as soon as he gets up all of the guys get up "who are you" zion asks "im her boyfriend who are you" he says "kobe please stop your hurting me" i say

"come on" he says dragging me out. "WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!" he asks yelling in my face as he gets in the car "just some friends from school" i say

-at kobes house-

he is and abusive boyfriend he just got done hitting me and im trying to sneak out.

i jump out of the window and i feel blood dripping down my face from where he hit me. im running down the street when a car pulls up to me "jordan?" i hear my dad ask "dad! oh my god" i say getting in the car and giving him a hug.

"kobe?" he asks "yea" i say crying into his soulder.

i get home to see....

A/N: things are gonna get *coughs* weird in the next chapter...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2018 ⏰

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