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The group had arrived home from their holiday by midday the next day. YingYue had dropped off Jing at her house and headed back to her own. After parking up she managed to get her luggage in the front door only to see her mother waiting for her.

"Mother hello."

"Today's a very important day YingYue, therefore, I have brought you a dress for this event. You may do your own hair and makeup but the staff are currently running a bath for you now. You cannot mess this up for us." Came her mothers reply before the Jiang Matriarch simply turned and walked off in the direction of the other wing of the house. 

"Oh hello YingYue, did you have a nice holiday? Do you have any pictures to show me? Are you hungry? Do you need anything?" YingYue spoke sarcastically as she hauled herself up the stairs to her wing of the house. Even thought the lights were on and she could hear the talking of the staff members she still felt as though the entire wing was overly quiet. What she would do for a smaller house which felt more homely than this. 

This made her think, the only times she had ever felt as though this house had been a home was when Ximen had spent prolonged periods of time there. This led her spiralling back into her thoughts and memories of the nights that they had spent just in each others presence. And once again she found herself crying. Crying over the fact that he wouldn't be hers. And that she would be forced to marry another man. 

She pushed open her bedroom door after rubbing away the tears down her face. She came face to face with the two staff members who had raised her ever since she was a baby. She never called them 'staff' but rather aunts. They had raised her better than her mother ever could. 

"Oh little flower I'm so sorry" Started the head staff or Auntie E

"Oh Auntie E" She cried out watching as the older woman moved to hug the younger girl.

"Little flower, this is not fair on you. I'm so so sorry you are going through this. But there's no need to hide your emotions let them all out. If you were my blood daughter I would allow you to marry for love and not for business." Continued Auntie E as the second staff member or Auntie X started to take the girls luggage and unpack it. Taking away anything which should be washed and putting back the other valuable items. 

"Let your Auntie's pamper you in the mean time. We've run a bath and when you're done Auntie X will give you a manicure and pedicure. I'll help you with your hair and then you can spend as long as you like doing your makeup." Auntie E explained as she helped YingYue into the bathroom. She turned around and walked out the door. She left it slightly ajar incase there was an emergency. 

The two staff members sat outside waiting for her to finish for an hour and a half. YingYue left the bath after the water had turned cold and wrapped a towel around her body. She left the bathroom and entered her bedroom to find the two staff members sitting patiently on the chairs in her room waiting. On her bed was a new set of underwear a nude set containing a strapless bra and knickers, along with her dressing gown. She quickly pulled them on, not afraid for the two staff members to see her in this manner. They'd been looking after her, her whole life so this meant they had seen many a things many a times. 

Sitting down at her vanity afterwards she was more than happy to let Auntie X start giving her a manicure. 25 minutes later she was able to see the woman's work. She stared at her nails in awe. They were painted a matt black with the middle and ring fingers on each hand painted a contrasting red with a cherry blossom detail. The flowers were made from tiny little gems glued on her nail. It was the most beautiful nail job she had done in a while. 

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