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Greyson and Mikhail both looked at Hadley with a 'really?' expression on their faces, disappointed by the fact he was more concerned with the hot man wearing a diamond watch than the reason that hot man was there and why Mikhail was panicked about it.

"You really haven't changed that much, have you?" Mikhail mumbled, chuckling quietly to himself. "Still in love with an expensive lifestyle, even after living it for seven years?" He questioned, his tone much lighter than the previous mood.

"Well, it is because of that expensive lifestyle that I'm proposing we go out for dinner tonight.""You're paying."


Later at the night (more like early the next day) Hadley returned home to his home, taking off his coat and heels with a loud sigh and slumping against the door. Since he was quite young and only newly an adult when he had left, he wasn't quite aware of Mikhail's high alcohol tolerance and was most certainly not expecting his precious little brother's one. Out of the three, Hadley was the one to become tipsiest the quickest (but then again, they may be because of the speed in which he was gulping down the champagne) and the quickest to lose his composure and start bawling his eyes out again.

Walking to the kitchen, he filled up a glass with water and hopped up onto the kitchen countertop, leaning against the wall and closing his eyes with a loud sigh. His mind drifted to earlier when he had met the tall handsome man named Ivan and the fact that something was tugging in his heart when he found the man.

It was a bit too similar to what he had felt with Alexander and Jess did not like it one bit.Out of nowhere, an absurd idea popped into his head.

'Excuse me, System 7? May I ask you a question?'

Almost immediately the system replied. <<As long as it does not go against guidelines, I will answer it.>>

'Can natural inhabitants of a world follow people into another?' Jess questioned heart full of suspicion.


'Does the answer go against your guidelines?'

<<No it does not, I just had to run a check over the archive to find the answer.>>

'And what were your findings?' Jess probed

<<There have been cases reported of hosts seeming to be followed into worlds but 99.99% of the time it was by the highest-ranking hosts or by a bored god.>>

'And the other .01% of the time?

<<Classified information.>>

'... This bloody system... I miss DalDal!'

While Jess was cursing System 7 in his mind and grieving over his temporary loss of DalDal, Louis walked into the room and caught the beautiful man muttering incoherent words to himself, eyebrows furrowed and eyes full of displeasure. Almost immediately he suspected something had happened.

"You okay darling?" Louis questioned as he moved closer, standing between Hadley's legs and placing his hands on the other man's thighs, rubbing the slender muscle soothingly.

Still annoyed at the disappearance of DalDal, Jess snapped at him. "Just peachy."

Louis frowned at his attitude, eyes flashing with intense unhappiness before returning to their normal concerned state. "What's happened? Were you bullied back there?"

Too distracted in his thoughts, Hadley didn't catch the dark look Louis and just looked at the wall on the other side of the room. His face twisted into an even deeper scowl and his fists clenched by his sides. "Nothing happened and I wasn't bullied, I just remembered something and am extremely annoyed."

"Oh baby, don't be mad." Louis cooed at the blonde, his hands rubbing a bit harder into the stocking-clad thighs. "If you want, we can relieve that tension?" His tone was suggestive; eyes darkened with lust as they hungrily ran over his husband's body. Without the coat on, the short dress he was wearing emphasised Hadley's tiny waist and his soft curves. His hair was also a bit of a mess, the tight bun from the morning completely gone and replaced with a much messier version.

The comment froze Hadley in his spot; Louis rarely suggested them to do anything sexual and instead was quite a sweetheart, happily accepting what he was given and not asking for more. Thinking about it for a moment, he made his decision.

"Only if I can go out with one of my girlfriend's tomorrow night." That was his only condition. Louis' face brightened with a massive smile and he moved his arms around Hadley's waist, pulling the boy closer and kissing him gently. Frustrated with the delicacy of it all, Hadley shoved his tongue into the other man's wet mouth and tangled their tongues together, the kiss turned passionate and hot.

With the atmosphere no longer gentle and calming, Hadley wrapped his long legs around the other man's strong waist and with the help of his arms, slid off the kitchen counter and hanging off Louis instead. Their passionate kiss continued for a while before Hadley eventually pulled back, a wet saliva string and heavy breathing being the leftover of their kiss.

"So that's a yes?" Hadley spoke breathlessly.

"Hell yes," Louis replied before mashing their mouths back together and walking out the kitchen, up the grand stairwell and into the master bedroom, only knocking into a few walls on the way, each giving the two more and more opportunity to get horny.

By the time they had reached the bedroom, Hadley's hair had been undone and his panties were half off along with his stockings, revealing the creamy skin underneath. Louis threw the smaller male on the bed, undressing quickly before his eyes before joining him.


Louis sat up in the dark room, staring down at the naked Hadley sleeping peacefully next to him. Running his fingers through the other male's long locks, his eyes showed a crazed and possessive look.

"Even though you're a bit of a slut and part of that stupid club, don't think you can get rid of me my darling~"



Word count according to Grammarly: 1003


To start off, lemme give a quick explanation as to why I disappeared off the face of the planet: this book was sitting in my Word documents and I forgot about it. I've been less active on Wattpad on all my accounts and haven't been writing as much. But I did eventually get around to writing it when the inspiration hit. Now, this chapter would have come out much, much sooner had I continued saving my work on a USB drive and hadn't had to rewrite. Out of nowhere, my laptop hard drive kmsed and I was left with the draft I had barely started. At that point, I had just been about done with the chapter too. After my hard drive went kaput, I couldn't find the USB I had stored all my data on which meant I didn't even have access to my previous plans and drafts of old chapters/start of this one. Eventually I did find my USB and rewrote this chappie. Some other things are also currently happening in my life

I'm here to clear up a few misunderstandings and things that I may have forgotten to mention/were not clear enough (most is rundown of the original plot)

● Jess has transmigrated into the body of Hadley  who at a young age met the son of a rich CEO and got married in order to escape his biased prostitute mother and the slum area he grew up in.

After leaving his old home, Hadley did not return until the events of this arc.

Eventually growing bored of his husband, Hadley and a few friends of his founded the 'Adulterer's Club' in which rich and bored husbands and wives would go to have affairs and relieve their boredom. Hadley also was having affairs with others at this point.

The FL of the story was a common woman who had married a rich man via her parents friend's request (his parents asked hers and they agreed) and through social events, met Hadley who soon introduced her to the Adulterer's Club. They became best friends, bonding over the fact they used to both belong to lower classes and other shared interests.

One day, Hadley's husband has found him in bed with another man and got pissed and ended up shooting the other man while taking Hadley away and chaining him up on a private island. His husband ended up forcing him to have sex constantly and he was both physically and mentally abused.

Worried for her friend, the FL used the ML's connections to find out where Hadley's husband and he had been but by the time they had found them, Hadley had already been at death's door both physically and mentally. They then found Hadley's husband had disappeared and brought him back to the mainland to have him treated though it ended up being in vain. Three months after Hadley had gained back normal function in his body, he committed suicide.


P.S I'm aware I haven't updated in forever and that when I do, it's the MC sleeping with someone that's not the ML. But imo, it's important for him to do this – he doesn't quite love the ML properly yet and it also helps see how Hadley behaves.

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