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dear my idol,

i was walking in the park and i saw these two girls. they were sat on the grass with a portable speaker, your song trivia love blasting out at a comfortable level.

naturally i sat down on the nearest bench and took in the sound of the music and the leaves. it was honestly beautiful.

the leaves have begun to brown, it means another a years coming up since we ended things. i think one day i will spend the anniversary of that heart breaking day with you again, reminiscing on our childhood and teenage years together.

anyway, just as i was just about to leave and the song was just about to end, two boys cake along and sat with the girls. they changed the song to another song, a more boyish bts song.

it was still bts though, which made me smile.

from the corner of my eye i watched them, they were obviously two couples. the girls were so infatuated with the boys, the same the other way around.

it just, because they were around our age when you left, it reminded me of you and us.

once again i went home and watched your v live. i even considered paying for one of the fancy accounts.

i don't want you to notice me though, and i don't want to see too attached still. even though i obviously am.

i can't believe i saw you yesterday. i can't believe you'd just brush me off as if i was just a fan.

maybe you didn't recognise me?

no, that's impossible. it may have been years, but eyes don't change. you were looking at me liked you've always looked at me.

hunger, lust-


maybe, maybe not.

probably not. like i said, you left,


yours and yours only,


Dear My Idol, • KNJOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant