Life of A Waitress

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Rosè told Jennie she'd get off early to show her where she'd be staying. Jennie sees Rosè speaking to her mother, she assumed. The older woman nodded and smiled, and laid a motherly kiss on Rosè's cheek.
"Ready to leave?" Rose asked as she digged through her purse searching for her car keys.
"Of course. The food was delicious, thank you. How much was it? I'm sorry I didn't pay attention." Jennie said as she began to open up her leather bag to grab the stack of Korean Won.
"No it's okay. Consider it a welcome gift. Let's go." Rosè smiled. They walked out of the diner, the sun blazing the pedestrians. Rosè unlocks the car doors to a new gloss looking Hyundai Genesis sedan.
"Cute car. The price of it can't be as cute." Jennie said as she sat inside the beautiful interior of the vehicle.
"It isn't", Rosè laughed "Jisoo helps with the payments mostly."
"What does your girlfriend do for a living?" Jennie questioned, as she clicked in the seatbelt.
"Um, she works at some high end business. She's explained what it is that they do but the words have never stuck." Rosè laughed. She turns the key and the vehicle hums to life. She reverses the sedan and begins to drive with the traffic. "She's the CEO's assistant. It pays extremely well, although if you can believe it or not, that's not where the real money comes from. She has this...hobby, if you could call it so, that she goes to every so often. Well, we both go but she participates in it. It's not exactly legal, but the amount of entertainment and money it yields, you don't really think about it." Jennie was surprised. How can this sweet innocent waitress, be doing who knows what. Money and "not exactly legal" are words that are never good in the same sentence. She wondered what is was, but didn't feel she had the right to straight ask what exactly it was.
"Hmm. And I thought you were just an innocent morning waitress who'd be afraid of getting a speeding ticket." Jennie teased. Rosé smiled.
"I don't participate. Jisoo does. It's purely voluntary anyway. No one is forced. I'd tell you what it is but maybe you should go in with the same expectations as I did."
"What do you mean?" Jennie raised an eyebrow.
"When I first began dating Jisoo, I thought she was just this business woman who'd come to eat at this diner every morning. One thing led to another and well things happened between us. After a few months into our relationship, she wanted to take me to see her second job. I didn't know what to expect until she actually took me with her. The first time I saw it or Jisoo to be exact, it was a hell of a turn on for me. Since then I've been going with her ever since." This made Jennie question what exactly Rosè was talking about even more. What could it possibly be? Nevertheless, she still wouldn't feel right if she asked outright what Jisoo's second job was.
"I'm interested. You're not afraid your girl would give me certain feelings below the waist if I saw this illegal second job of hers?" Jennie smirked jokingly, but didn't mean what she said.
"Certainly not." Rosè laughed. "I don't know if you prefer men or women, but if Jisoo did the same to you, it wouldn't be a surprise to me. Might even get me to feeling things if I knew my girlfriend made you feel a certain way while you watched her." Jennie's face reddened after that comment. She was shocked to see Rosé had taken onto a more mature and outgoing state of being. A few minutes ago she was just this sweet blonde waitress who had given Jennie a free meal. Now she's joking on ways she's turned on. Jennie surmised you keep things like that in the dark when you're around strangers. But why she trusted Jennie so much within just a few moments of talking, she didn't understand. Jennie had never been with a female, the thought never really crossed her mind until that comment. She got a little nervous at the thought and tried to swerve the conversation.
"Well I can't wait to see. So are we almost at your place?" Jennie questioned leaning forward in her seat, surveying all of the tall apartments.
"This one here." Rosè nodded. She pulled into a parking lot packed with other vehicles. The building was nice. It was white with clean, brand new looking windows in every apartment. The building itself was tall, almost reaching the heights of all the business buildings in the city.
"We luckly have one of the rooms at the very top. So the view is astonishing, from sunrise to sunset." Rosè comments as she puts the car into park. Walking inside the amazing complex, they take the elevator to the very top floor. Out of the elevator and into a carpeted hallway, they stop at a white door at the very end.
"Hope your ready." Rosè giggles as she turns the key, opening the door to reveal a gorgeous one bedroom apartment. The most of it was pure window from one end to the other. Outlooking the beautiful city itself. The street and cars were almost barely visible from here. Jennie walked in and was wide eyed. Everything was kept neat and extremely clean. The black soft sofas, the marble counters, the coffee table, everything about this place was perfect. Did Jennie deserve any of this? The food, the roof over her head, the help she was receiving from this sweet girl.
"Why are you doing all of this for me?" Jennie stated as she turned to stare at Rosè. Rosè had locked the door and set her purse on the counter. She sat on the black sofa near Jennie.
"Have a seat." Rosè motioned her hand to the seat next to her. Jennie hesitated, but soon she was seated.
"Three years ago, I heard about the incidents, that were happening all over Seoul. One right after another, when they finally revealed the person behind them, I saw a girl, about my age in the mugshot. It saddened me. To know that this young girl had just threw her entire life away at the age of nineteen. But I thought to myself, she didn't deserve this. Had I have been in her shoes, I would've done the same thing. Her name was Jennie Kim. And when you walked into the diner today I didn't know how you got out from a life sentencing in three years but, I knew exactly who you were. I just wanted to help you. Because you reminded me of...well, me." Rosè smiled. Jennie's eyes began to water and her vison began to blur. She felt a hot tear land on her leg. All of her damned family had disowned her, abandoned her and forgotten her existence. But some stranger whom she'd never met, remembered her. A stranger that is willing to give her a head start on her new life. She leaned and hugged Rosè tightly; Rosè accepted. After a few moments of sniffing, and low yelps, Jennie was able to speak. She had let go of the hug and looked Rosè in the eyes with her wet eyelashes.
"Thank you Rosè. I don't know how I'd ever be able to repay you in this lifetime."
"You can. Just be happy and find your purpose in life. Then you will have repayed me." Jennie nodded as she sniffed and looked down.
"But for now, just relax. Ill get you some house clothes you can barrow so you'll be able to wash up. Also, if you'd want a job, I could get you one at Rose." Rosè suggested.
"That'd be nice." Jennie smiled. "Again, thank you Rosè. You've proven to me that people like you still exist. I'm gonna wash up now."
"Of course. Straight into the bedroom and right. I'll leave the clothes in the bathroom." Rosè pointed. Jennie left her bag on the floor and made her way to the bathroom. She closed the door and stood in front of the mirror. She kicked her boots off and began to take a piece of clothing off one at a time. She felt tired, the process was slow. Finally she slid her panties down with her thumbs and let them drop to her ankles. She looked at her nude self in the mirror. "Forgive yourself. Easier said than done." She whispered to herself. She finally got into the shower. The hot water felt good against her skin. It had been some time since she was able to take a decent shower, especially inside a bathroom of this caliber. After an hour and a half of scrubbing and washing, she came out. The bathroom was covered in mist and she saw neatly folded clothes on the counter sink. Rosè must have made a quick exit after placing the clothes. The clean socks, leggings and comfy long sleeve felt good to her. She walked out with her hair still wet looking.
"I was thinking Rosè. How exactly will Jisoo react if she sees another female in the apartment? That wouldn't be good for anyone." Jennie stated as she sat on a chair in the kitchen.
"Don't worry. I had called her during lunch while you were in the shower. I told her who you were. She was a little nervous at first but, I told her you were a good person. So nothing to worry about. Me and her have an understanding anyway, I wouldn't dare do that to her and she'd sure as hell never do that to me. She'll be home around eight, you can meet her then." Rosè smiled looking down at her computer. Hours had past, the girls stayed in. Rosè had talked to Jennie about current events, or past events from three years ago. New phones, new music, new events happening in the world; almost like two girls having a sleep over. The day had finally turned into night, and Seoul had become lit up like a giant Christmas tree. Jennie stood and looked out the window, admiring the beautiful city.
"Beautiful isn't it?" Rosè asked as she stood next to Jennie.
"It is. It's felt like so long since I've seen Seoul. But strange it's only been three years, I'm thankful of course. There was a window in my prsion cell, but as I'm sure you guessed, it wasn't a view like this." Rosè giggled. They heard a knock at the door. Rosè clapped her hands together.
"That must be Jisoo." Jennie turns and watches Rosè unlock the door. In walks a gorgeous, blackheaded woman in black high heels. Her hair was let down in beautiful shiny silk waves, she wore a grey skirt with a grey suit top, and a black business shirt underneath. Along with an array of diamond bracelets, rings, necklace and earrings. She didn't wear much makeup, but her sharp eyebrows, and the flawless winged eyeliner was enough to make her gorgeous face pop. This woman was naturally beautiful; her large nose, small slanted eyes and bright red lipstick on a pair of puffy lips, with two sharp points on the top lip.
"Hey you." Rosè said as she stood on her tippy toes and laid a passionate peck on Jisoo's lips. Their lips made a loud smack as Rosè pulled away while locking the door.
"Jisoo, this is Jennie Kim. Jennie, this is Kim Jisoo." Rosè said as she held Jisoo's hand, walking her over to Jennie by the window.
"Good to meet you miss Kim." Jisoo said as she held out her right hand.
"Please, Jennie is fine. It is good to meet you as well." They shake hands and lightly bow. Jennie noticed that Jisoo's knuckles seemed cut up, but healed, she didn't really give it a thought.
"I wanted to thank you and Rosè for letting me stay in your home, and for giving me everything I need. I will find a way to pay you both back." Jennie says as she lightly bows. Jisoo smiles.
"You're very welcome. Whatever you need, we'd be happy to help. And forget about paying us back, there's no need." After the introductions, the girls relaxed. Jisoo had changed into her house clothes and they all sat and watched television. The night came to a close and Rosè showed Jennie where she'd be sleeping, which was a small guest room next to the master bedroom, unused. It didn't have much but a small twin bed in the corner.
"Sorry if this isn't much but we hardly use this room." Rosè said apologetically, as Jennie entered the room.
"No, this is perfect. Thank you again Rosè. I'll see you tomorrow." Rosè smiled and nodded and she closed the door. Jennie flicked the light off and laid on the soft silk bed, she shut her eyes and soon she drifted off into a comfortable, deep, deep sleep. She awoke the next morning and the girls were all together. Jisoo had the day off and Rosè had decided to take hers off as well. They went out, ate, went shopping. Jennie had finally felt like she was starting to belong to the real world again. All thanks to this sweet girl. Three months have passed and Rosè had gotten Jennie a job at Rose. She worked the same shift so they started and got off at the same time. Jennie would take time to visit auntie Gi; the other girls who worked at the diner were sweet as well. Mina, Seulgi, Song Yuqi, and a few others. Her job as a waitress was easy, compared to her life before, this actually made her happy. And to be with her eternal friend Rosè everyday made it better. "Maybe this life isn't so bad after all." She thought to herself. "The life of a waitress."

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