It was early the next morning when Jacyn awoke to the sound of Scott’s bedroom door opening. She sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes, looking at the entrance. There stood Sawyer with a shy little look on his face.
“Hey, buddy,” Jacyn smiled.
“Can we make waffles?” he asked.
“Of course! But we have to be very quiet. Your daddy is still sleeping,” she told him, getting out of bed.
She exited the room, closing the door behind her to let Scott sleep a bit more. After all, they’d been up late the night before, if you catch my drift.
When they got into the kitchen, Jacyn told Sawyer to find her the waffle mix and once she found out the ingredients, she told him to get them out of the fridge. He couldn’t be happier to be helping. It made him feel special.
The pair spent the next couple of minutes combining the ingredients and then stirred it up into one big batch of waffle batter. Jacyn found the waffle maker and got to work on making a pile of yummy food. While the waffles cooked, she had Sawyer help her make a small fruit salad to go on the side. Before they knew it, everything was cooked and they were ready to serve it.
“Do you want to surprise your daddy with breakfast in bed?” Jacyn asked the boy.
“Alright, let’s get this plated and make it look pretty for him.”
Getting a tray, Jacyn let Sawyer put some waffles on a plate and a bowl of fruit salad next to it. Then she helped him to fill a cup with orange juice.
“Let’s go,” she said, ushering him down the hallway.
When she opened the door, she smiled at the scene before her. Scott was still fast asleep, lying on his stomach, his arm flopped across the bed. If she could, she would take a picture right now to catch the perfect moment.
“DADDY!” Sawyer shrieked, jumping onto his back.
Scott grumbled and turned over, picking Sawyer up so he was sitting on his lap.
“What’s up bud?” he grinned.
“We made you breakfast!” Sawyer exclaimed, pointing to where Jacyn stood with the tray in her hands.
“Oh, did you now?” he smirked. “Well thank you very much.”
She approached the bed and sat down, placing the plate in front of him. He smiled at her and leaned forward to kiss her lips.
“Ew!” Sawyer commented, giggling.
Scott rolled his eyes and then turned to his plate, picking up the fork and knife to dig in. The three of them shared the plate of food and soon enough, they were finished. While Scott showered and Sawyer got ready for the day, Jacyn brought the dishes into the kitchen to clean them. That was when her phone rang.
“Hello?” she answered.
“Hey Jay, its Grace. I was just calling to see how things are going.”
Grace and Jacyn’s brother, Jake, have had a complicated relationship. She is the mother of Jake’s child. They had quite a rocky relationship through the pregnancy and Josh and Jacyn took her under their wing until everything passed over and they solved everything. Now Jacyn and Grace were closer than ever, best friends even. Jacyn had vented to her about her relationship with Scott when it first began and she had given some good advice. Now she was calling to check on their relationship.
“Things are going great! Sawyer really likes me and Scott is so happy that we get along,” she explained. “We got up this morning and made Scott breakfast in bed. You should’ve seen it. It was the most adorable thing.”
“That’s awesome! So how’s everything with you and Scott going?” Jacyn could tell that she was smirking and wiggling her eyes, just by the sound of her voice on the other line.
“That is none of your business, woman!”
“So you’re getting some, huh?”
“Grace! I swear to god!” she chuckled.
“What? It’s a natural thing! There’s nothing to be embarrassed about! I mean, look where Jake and I are at. We have a child,” she laughed.
“And I’d prefer not to think about how you guys made that child, thank you very much. This is my brother we are talking about!” Jacyn exclaimed.
Grace let out a laugh. “Alright, I’ll let you go. I was just checking in.”
“Thanks for calling. Talk to you later.”
Jacyn hung up her phone and laughed to herself as she finished up the dishes.
“What’s got you so amused this morning?” Scott’s voice whispered in her ear, his arms going around her waist.
He kissed her neck and she closed her eyes, pressing back into him.
“Grace just called,” she told him.
“How’s she doing?” he wondered.
“I guess okay. She really didn’t say much about her life. She was more concerned about the two of us and how our relationship was going.”
He spun her around and pecked her lips. “Our relationship is absolutely fine. Perfect even.”
“Hmmm, I don’t know. I mean, I’m sure I can find someone ten times better than you,” she teased him.
He growled playfully and tickled her sides, making her collapse into his arms.
“Daddy, don’t hurt Jacyn!” Sawyer’s voice came from the entrance to the kitchen.