Chapter 24- Snap

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I followed Tae who was walking throughout the school, I called out his name a few times, but he just ignored me and continued walking, he looked mad, unlike me, that situation actually affected him.

I put my hand on his shoulder, "what are you going to do, Tae?" he turned to me, and the look in his eyes was too familiar to me, he wasn't just mad, he was about to snap, someone might get hurt, and he might regret it. 

He pushed my hand away from him angrily and continued walking, I didn't like that attitude at all, I grabbed him and pushed him to the wall, "what are you going to do?"

"Let go! They hurt me, they hurt Tom and they hurt someone he cares about, I won't forgive them this time," the rage in his eyes grew stronger, I decided to let him go, and follow him to see what was about to happen, It might be really amusing, and besides, someone had to keep an eye on him.

He finally found that Josh guy and immediately attacked him, leaving him no time to respond, he hit his face, making him fall onto the ground, he got on top of him and continued hitting him repeatedly. I watched from the side, knowing that eventually, I'd have to stop him, but just as I thought, it was really amusing. 

The two guys that were with Josh tried to get him off of their friend, he scratched one of them in the face, making him bleed, probably leaving a visible scar on his face. I continued watching, enjoying the show while licking my lips, he was super hot when he was like that.

He got up and started to walk towards the other one who started taking steps back in response with a terrified expression. The scared boy moved closer and closer to the stares behind him, Josh and the one who was bleeding watched their friend moving closer to the edge with pure fear and concern in their eyes.

They couldn't stop Taehyung, he didn't hold back, and with too many emotions, the otherwise weak kid was suddenly a threat.

I knew I had to do something about it, he might feel bad it if things would go out of control, and I knew that I had more than enough strength to stop him.

I pushed him onto the ground and got on top of him, "stop right now Taehyung! You'd regret it," he tried with all of his strength to get out of my grip, but again, I was much stronger.

After a few minutes of him struggling to get away, he stopped and looked at me, I was sure that he got back to his senses and that he was about to apologize, but I was wrong.

Instead, I heard him saying in a law, serious, cold and demanding voice: "Let. Go."

He had such a strong look that was pricing through me, giving me chills, so hot, his emotionless voice sounded so badass and scary, sending shivers down the other's spine and making them run away, leaving us alone.

He got even scarier, mad because they got away, but instead of getting scared, a smirk appeared on my face, the idea of making him submissive in that state was so attractive to me.

The innocent, cute, kind and shy Taehyung wasn't there, It was a different Tae, a one who was sick of everything and done with everyone, a boy who desired to get back at his enemies and see them in pain in the same terrifying way I would.

He was the opposite of the softie who didn't want to hurt anyone, the one who looked at me sometimes with fear, but I wanted that kind of fear to come back, getting him back to his place was going to be so much fun, I was going to teach him a lesson.

"What did you say again? I didn't hear you," I smirked as I saw him starting to get mad, "I said, get. Off. Now!" I still kept him pinned to the floor, "no."

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