Today is the day where I find out where I stand. Whether I can go on from apprenticeship to a Master, a Healer, an Offical, or a mix of both, I think we have a shortage of people. I'm aiming for a Master position.
I run to Master Plytus' room to help him pack and to ask for advice. "Hello Master", I said giving him the salute. Master Plytus' face showed a tiny smile, and he said, "Dio, I'm not your master anymore."
I shrugged, to me he's a father figure, a man who taught me for 3 years. I'm not sure if I'm really ready to leave the apprenticeship.
Today is a busy big day. First is the Testing, a special final test for the Apprentices, designed by a random high level master that's not your own, who knows all your information and level set. I'm a little nervous, but I trained all summer with Master Plytus.
My power is complicated. It's mainly radiation and a small bit of personal change (change of looks and personality) and manipulation.
Master Plytus put away the rest of his belongings into boxes and said, "You have 15 minutes Dio until your session, change and start to warm up."
Well changing is easy. I begin to warm up, doing stretches and what not. I go into the Radiation Room and took down 2 jars. "HOW MUCH CAN I HAVE AGAIN?" I yelled to Plytus who was a room away. " ONE. " He yelled back and I made a face. Damn it, only one? I put one jar back and carried the other one to a table. I unscrewed the lid and breathed in.
I can't tell you how good it is to have radiation in my body. All my organs are immune to radiation so I should never be harmed or anything. feels like before I was breathing in polluted air. Radiation feels fresh in my lungs, nice and clean. I look in the mirror real quick. My uniform is black with the Elithian symbol, my white cloak flowed behind me. My choice of weapon is stashed on my belt. I looked at my auburn hair, blue eyes, freckles, and glasses. Today is the last day I'm going to look like that. Today, I get a new name and I'll be able to show my real persona without being embarrassed.
"Dio, hurry your ass up!" I run out of the Radiation room. Master Plytus stood at the door of his training room, wearing a suit with his black Master cloak. "Looking sharp there." I commented, I've only seen him twice in a suit, when I saw him going on a date with his wife and when I became an apprentice.
We walked silently to the intermission room. In there was some apprentices waiting for their turn.
"Radio Silence, you're up next." An instructor told me. I looked over at Plytus, this is the last time he'll be able to direct me, to guide me as a Master. Plytus said without looking at me, " You know what to do Dio, go with your logic. " I nodded, damn I feel so nervous.
"Alexander Noah Reis!" A voice boomed out my human name, what my actually name is because Radio Silence is more unofficial. I took a breath, and walked out the open door to the arena.
An announcer read out my basic information. My power, my Master, my strengths, my weaknesses, my potential, my goal, and others.
Without looking up, I know people are watching in the rafters. Most likely important people. When I reach the middle of the floor, I look up at my chosen Judge. Krytal, aka Lens, her power gives her a photographic memory and she can recreate anything she sees.
Her posture was relaxed, her eyes holding a hard state with mine. Part of her royal blue cloak rested on her shoulders. Her voice boomed.
"Ready, Soldier?"
I nod and salute. Time to show them my real self.
Right as the holograms were appearing and an abandoned building appears and I shouted out my soon-to-be name.

Science Fiction"We are all evil, Elithians and Humans. We are all the same, yet different. We fight each other, us wanting freedom, humanity wanting control. No side will win, no side will walk away unharmed, no side will die." Btw this cover is not mine, it belon...