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"Mornin' Mara."

The girl looked up from her uneaten breakfast at the green-eyed boy looking back at her. All she could think about was that griever, she couldn't eat after seeing that. Adam sat down opposite her, but she didn't feel like talking. She wanted to tell him to leave her alone, but she didn't have the heart to.

As he sat, a few other boys walked over and sat around them. One had dirty blond hair and piercing blue eyes, another had messy black hair and dark-skin. Both boys looked about seventeen. The other boy was younger, maybe fourteen. Even though he was younger he had muscles the same size as the other boys and dark brown puppy-dog eyes.

"These are my shanks. Charlie, Ed and Lou." Adam said, pointing at each boy when he said their name. The blond boy was Charlie, Lou was the dark-skinned one and the youngest one was Ed.

"You were right shank, she's shuckin' gorgeous." Charlie winked, she had to admit, he was kind of attractive. His comment actually brought a narrow smile to her face. The attention felt good.

"What's your name greenie?" The youngest boy asked.

"Mara." She replied with a weak smile, all boys listening except Adam. He seemed to find the other  boys' interest in her funny.

"Alby take ya on you're tour yet?" Charlie asked, she felt like she was being bombarded with questions. This is what it feels like to be on the receiving end of my questions then? She thought.

"Not yet." She replied dimly.

"You'll understand more after it. Who knows, maybe you'll know more than all us shanks put together." Lou spoke. His voice was calm and low, it was rather soothing. He sounded like an artist. A memory zoomed through Mara's head, but she didn't try to remember, she knew she couldn't.

"Newt show you the... uh-"

"Yeah." Sh replied, not even bothering to look up at whoever just asked her.

"You shanks gonna sit around on ya butt all day or ya gonna get ta work?" A new voice called out, coming closer as the boy spoke. Mara looked up, it was Alby.

The four boys glumly got up, each smiling at Mara before they stood. The younger one lingered for a second, resting on his knees speaking directly to Mara so only she would hear. "It's not that bad here. I've only been here a few months and it already feels like home." She smiled at the boy, she liked him the most of the three new boys. She didn't know him, but he almost seemed like a little brother to her. He did have the same accent.

"Ed." Alby's impatient voice came from behind him, Ed flashed a smile before standing and joining his group of friends. "Get a nice look out the window this morning?"

Mara scowled as she rose to her feet, looking up to the tall boy. She was a few inches shorter than him. She wasn't in the mood for jokes, and she didn't exactly have the best opinion of Alby so far. She preferred Newt so much more. "Yeah, it was lovely. Never seen something more amazing in my life."

"Funny." He blankly replied sarcastically. "Me and you shank. Tour begins now." He began to walk away but stopped, holding up one finger. "Ain't no questions 'till the end, you get me? Ain't got time to jaw with ya all day."

"Can you at least tell me what I want to hear then? That way I won't have to ask questions." She snapped back, she really didn't like this guy. He spun around her, his eyes narrowing as he looked at her.

"That's a question. What did I just say 'bout that ya shank?" He replied, it seemed the feelings between them were mutual.

"Now whose asking the questions?" She asked, before pausing. Her mouth hung open before she pinned it shut.

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