Now I know

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    The wedding was coming to an end and I couldn't help glancing at the doors every once and a while wondering if David really lived me he would've came. My thoughts were again interrupted when Roc said 'I do'.

     Damn....that means everyone is waiting on my answer I don't want to even get married to him. I took one last glance but I gave up. I sighed and put on a fake smile. 'I do' I heard the doors open but I wanted to get this over with, I pecked Roc on the lips and the looked at the door only to see David.

    I stood shocked but it was too late I shook my head in least he tried. This was a big mistake...I paused for a sec. I can't lose David I love him hell I'm in love with him.

    I looked back at Roc with tears in my eyes that said im-sorry. I put on a weak smile as I ran to David. He smiled and kissed me which seemed like forever.

    I felt a huge shock in my body from the way David put his arm around my waist as he kissed me and the way his lips felt. I literally and finally was happy. When we pulled away I slowly looked at Roc.

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   He smiled and shook his head, poking his jaw with his tongue. He then started clapping while walking down the isle toward me. Everyone looked confused including me.

Roc: Really Tori? But ya kno its ok.. I don't have to feel guilty anymore

Tori: Guilty? For what?

    He deviously smiled and grabbed Bri hand, who was sitting at the edge with one twin in her lap and the other in Prod's. I looked confused as she shyly smiled.

Roc: For getting Bri pregnant

    I smiled not being shocked, Roc couldn't break my heart anymore I was done with him and my "so called friend". Before I could speak Rayan stood up.

Rayan: How could you Bri?

Prod: What you mean? I should be asking her that?

Rayan: You are so damn clueless you kno damn well them twins don't look like you they belong to me nigga...examine they hair,eyes, nose, mouth etc. Its like looking in a mirror

    It took Prod a min. he looked at the twins. I saw hurt come over him I felt so bad Bri was wrong for that he loved her. After a min. he stormed out the church.

Bri: I am sorry Tori

Tori: Hun don't weren't sorry when you got in bed with Roc now were you? You were never my friend, your irrelevant... I thought u were gonna always have my back but instead you stabbed me in it

🎉 You've finished reading Rivals *A Roc Royal Story* 🎉
that was a good story BT she's supposed to end up with roc

9y ago

@oneandonlykayla lol whatever kayla

10y ago

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