DreamLike State

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This isn't happening right? Sans and I are here, in the Creepypasta mansion. It almost seems to good to be true.

The mansion was big, bigger than I couldve ever imagined.

"This is your home now. No more parents, no more school, no more life. Just a world of wonders." I heard Sans speak besides me, and that put a smile to fill my lips.


"That's right Lunchable." You hear a deep voice boom from the side of you.

"Nya~~ Nyanyah!"

Oh god, how many people were there here?

"Sorry for that, these three are dumb asses." A familliar voice spoke, you turned you head, a smile covering you face.


"Oh hey whats up thot?" She spoke oh so nonchalantly. How could she be so calm.

"I guess I should introduce you to the crew." Best Friend went on.

"This is Lunchable." She spoke pointing to a floating bear.

The bear was cute and I think he was very sweet.

"And then theres Eyeless Elon and his Cat girlfriend."

"L-Lexus???" I asked looking to the cat girl thay clung to Elon's side.

"Nyah!" Was all she responded with, I assumed it was a yes.

"And of course you know Jeff, everyone knows Jeff." Best friend finished as she pointed to the male that was around her waist.

It was Jeff the Killer. You know, pale face and creepy smile? Yeah that Jeff was hugging and kissing on my best friend like there was no tomorrow.

This was all so odd, but yet comforting. This was going ro be a good time and I just knew it.

"C'mon, Offenderman made dinner and we dont want to get him mad." Eyeless Elon spoke before ushering everyone into the dining hall. 

In that hall, there were 2 sets of large tables, as if we were in highschool. Amongst these tables sat many familiar faces from Laughing Jack to Sonic.exe to Max and Ruby. I couldnt  believe all that I was seeing.

Sans smiled at me as he noticied my enthusiasm. "Told you you'd love it here." He spoke in a low tone before taking me to a seat.

We sat with our little 'crew' which consisted of Best Friend, Jeff, Lunchable, Captian K'nuckles, Eyeless Elon, His Cat Girlfriend, Lexus and BEN Drowned.

There we shared good memories and funny stories. Ben explained all the tea he had on Jeff, teasing him about things him and Bestie had done and things he caught them doing.

And throughoutthe conversation came puns from Sans, of course I laughed at them all. He was so funny.

From then, I knew this would he the perfect place to stay. I was happy, all my friends were here and Sans was here. What more could I have possibly wanted? This was heaven and there was no way anyone could take that away from me.

"Go on, (Y/N) eat before he sees you not eating." I heard Ben speak, bringing me back to the real world and right there infront of me was a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese.

Thats when I dug in, hoping that Offenderman wouldnt get upset at me, he was creepy. Shockingly, the food tasted great! It was as if my mom had made it!

And that's when I knew...I wasnt leaving this place, Ever.

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