Chapter 17

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'What if I told you that you could save him

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'What if I told you that you could save him...'

Most people think that you lose certain senses when you become a ghost, but, that's not true, not entirely. You can still hear, and see as normal, you can even smell, though your touch does become a bit numb, but your taste amplifies and compensates. You can taste everything you touch, the electric charge in the air, the soft mineral tang as rain drops sizzled against his skin. No, all questions are not answered in death, but it does give you a moment of clarity, such as it was for Toulon.

'Of course, there will be a price, there always is'

He stood, alone and unseen in the forest, only the barest outline of his figure against the rain dripping down against the edges of his frame. Looking down, he saw the coin in the grass, almost swallowed up in the mud, and reached out to it. The coin lifted like a lead weight, slow, rising to him, and returning the green flame to his body.

'What would you give to save your friend?'

Toulon could feel the demons, not far away, crowded together in the trees, but they didn't know what he was looking for, he could slip by them easily enough.

At that moment

Ichabod stumbled on the last few stairs, his vision blurring for a moment and his heel slipping over the edge of one of the steps.

"Whoa-hey!" Della reached out quickly, stopping him from tipping over, supporting him enough that he was able to lean against the railing, to take a minute to collect himself, "Are you alright?"

"I'll be fine enough," he insisted, rubbing his eyes until his vision returned, mostly, to normal.

Shakily, he moved into the cavern proper and went to a cabinet tucked into a nook along the far wall where he began collecting weapons. Della remained concerned, watching him work with folded hands while she mulled over her next words.

"We..." she began nervously, "We, should run."

"No," he responded, laying the weapons out across the altar.

"Come on, you don't have to prove how macho you are..."

"Not what this is about."

"But you've... you're really hurt, we should get out of here before..."

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