Chapter 22

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The next day, I didn't feel great. I mean, I felt healthy, but yet depressed. I realized how much bad luck I had when it comes to parents. I keep thinking about it. How my parents, the ones that have raised me since I was born have died, and then my biological parents are divorcing, just when our relationship was getting better. Why do all the bad things have to happen to me?

I got up from bed and got dressed for the day. I did the usual morning routine and went downstairs to go and eat breakfast. I walked down the steps and saw Spencer get ready to leave.

"Hey, if you leave now, you can make it to school right when the first bell rings." She says looking at her watch.

"Um, I've decided not to go. I don't feel great." I say putting a hand on my stomach.

"Its about the seperation right?"

I nodded.

"Don't worry, you can get through this. I am..slowly. It will take time." She paused. "Just remember that it will take time to adjust."

"I know. I've been through worse." I mention. "Where are you headed of to?"

"Eye doctor. I need to get this eye checked out." Spencer pointed at the black eye she had.

"I can drive you over there if you want. I was kind of planning to go to that new coffee shop...The Mermaid Cafe?"

"Uh, yea it would be great if you could drive me. And a lot safer." She giggles. I laugh along and grab my car keys.

"Lets go."

I drove Spencer to the eye doctor, then went to that new coffee shop. Lets say that I wasn't impressed one bit. The Brew was a thousand times better. I threw away the coffee I had and decided to drive back home. When I got home, I saw Melissa just finish up putting away the dishes.

"Hey, I thought you were in school?" She said.

"I didn't feel great, so I decided not to go."

"What's wrong?" Melissa asked like she was truly concerned for me.

I sighed. "Mom and Dad seperating."

"Oh." Was all that came out of Melissa's mouth. "Well, you're free, and I'm free. So, you and I are going to go shopping."

I hesitated. "Shopping? I am not the shopping type of gal."

"Well, you are going shopping with me. You will like it. Promise. Now, lets go." She said holding out her hand. I smiled and took it and we went out on a little "shopping adventure".


We got home about 2 hours later. And I have to admit, Melissa and I had great bonding time together. It wasn't like when we were forced to hang out with eachother like when she hurt her knee. This was different. It was fun and loose. We shopped for the summer season coming up. Which meant shorts, dresses, and cute flowy shirts. I didn't realize how great of a taste in fashion Melissa had until Today.

We parted our ways when we got to the backyard of the house. Melissa went to the barn and I went into the house. I walked in with maybe five bags in my hands and a smile on my face. I saw Spencer on her phone calling someone and pacing back and forth. She hung up once she caught sight of me.

"Where were you?" She asked. "I called you like ten times."

"Oh my god. Spencer, I totally forgot to pick you up I'm so-"

"No I didn't call you to pick me up. Emily did that."

"Then why did you call me?" I say while checking my missed notifications on my phone.

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