"daniel" i say breaking the silence
"she's yours" he turns his head and looks at me with wide eyes "yeah"
"wha- why- what made you change your mind?"
"i don't know. she's just a girl. and i can get over loosing her. but one thing i can't do, is get over losing you."
"damn jonah" he drops his guitar and leans in to hug me. we stay hugging for a few minutes until i break and say
"okay here's the plan."
*end of pov*"corbyn what?"
"yeah they do."
"i know. its hard to believe."
"wha- i- i- daniel- jonah- what-"
"what're you gunna do?"
" know which one i like right?"
"daniel? no it's jonah"
"no. its daniel. but jonah's like my best friend. who do i pick?"
as soon as those words come out your mouth, jonah and daniel walk in the coffee shop.DANIEL'S POV
"this is it" murmurs jonah in my ear as i perceive y/n.
"yeah" i sigh. she's sitting with corbyn who stands up and makes a signal at her, saying he has to work or something. he looks up and winks at me before clearing y/n's milkshake. i take a deep breath and sit in the seat next to her at the bar.
"i'll have a strawberry milkshake please"
(is this giving anyone else riverdale vibes? no? okay just me? yep ok keep reading)
i look over at y/n. she's packing her bag, ready to leave. she stands up and i grab her backpack and tug on it
*end of pov*"wait" his smooth voice says. you turn around and look straight at him. "can we talk?" he looks desperate "please".
reluctantly, you sit back down.
"so i figures you liked the song?" he asks
"yeah. it was really good. i liked it. for your new album?"
"nah, inspiration just struck me last night"
you stiffen up, remembering all that went down. you nod and look at your feet, ashamed. "no hard feelings"
"yeah i guess"
"okay i'm just gunna get straight to the point." tension builds up. "i really. really. really. like you. there's really only one way to sum up how i feel about you. love."
HALLELUJAH HE TOLD HER. yeet. why'd i just say that? idk HAHAHAH
anyways someone asked me a good question: what do you wanna be when you're older and who's your inspiration?answer: okay this is gunna sound really cheesy, but a singer. singing is one my biggest passions. i'm not gunna say it's an escape because that's like so ew cheesy. but i love singing and any opportunity i get, i will do. at school, at home, on holidays; anywhere. i bring my ukulele everywhere so i can jam and write. yeah i write my own songs. no i'm not gunna show you. yet. that came out really bitchy oops sorry ily mwah. anyways, yeah it's just fun. even if i have so much stage fright. can someone dm me and tell me how to get over it cause it's killing me. anyways yeah and my biggest inspiration is either Ariana Grande (because of her voice and how she controls it really well) or why don't we (quite obviously they're the best).
anyways yeah that it. ask me questions on my dm and i'll answer on here ❤️❤️
get ready for next and i think it'll be last one for this series!
ily mwah see you 💋

thanks a lot
Fanfiction"honestly i'm sorry!" he defends "yeah well thanks a lot!" i shout before running away, bloodshot eyes and tears pouring out.