Part 29

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"Baby, are you sure you want to do this?" Matt asked me. 

I looked up at the recording studio and all of the cars parked outside. 

I know everyone is here. 

I asked the guys to call everyone and make sure they were all here. 

I was going to need their help and we need to do this together. 

I know they're probably going to have questions. 

Some of them might even ask me what happened. 

But I prepared myself for that. 

I took in a deep breath and smiled up at Matt. 

"I'm ready." I told him softly. 

He took in a breath as well, laced our fingers together, and pulled me through the door of the studio. 

I looked around and smiled as the feeling of comfort enveloped me. 

In some of my darkest days, this was the place I came to escape. 

The guys were here and they helped me cope without even knowing. 

I smiled widely as I took in all of the familiar scents. 

Matt looked down at me and grinned. 

"You okay?" He asked me. 

"I'm great." I said, my voice happy and light. 

Matt pulled me into his side and led me back to the recording room. 

The door was closed, so I reached forward and pushed the door open. 

My eyes widened in shock as I saw Larry, Fred, Mudrock, Walter, Cam, Jason and Matt Berry, a bunch of the tech crew, even Matt's ex-girlfriend Val and her twin sister where there.  

"Surprise!" They all yelled. 

They were all holding balloons and waving 'Welcome Back!' signs. 

Tears burned in my eyes as I looked around at all these people, who in reality, didn't know me that well, but took the time to set up this beautiful surprise for me. 

They were all grinning from ear to ear and waving their signs, blowing horns and throwing confetti. 

I smiled as the tears fell down my face. 

Matt instantly wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his chest. 

"What's wrong babe?" Matt asked me frantically. 

He rubbed my back soothingly and Jimmy came over and wrapped his arm around me as well. 

"What happened?" Jimmy asked me. 

My sister pushed through all of the guys and made me look at her. 

"Sis, what happened?" She asked me gently. 

I smiled widely and looked around at everyone. 

"I'm so sorry I'm reacting this way. I'm am just, so overwhelmed. I don't think anyone outside of my family has ever done something this nice for me. You guys hardly know me and you planned all of this." I said with a sniffle. 

Matt chuckled and pulled me closer, wiping away my tears. 

He leaned my head up and made me look at him. 

He pressed a kiss to my lips and made me smile. 

"You're a part of our family now, Bella. Get used to it." He said with a chuckle. 

Everyone cheered and I grinned. 

I pulled slowly away from Matt and went and gave each and every single person and told them how much I appreciated them doing this for me. 

"Don't mention it Bella. You're a great person, and you most certainly deserve it." Larry told me, pulling me in for a hug. 

I hugged him back and pulled away from him. 

"I just wanted to tell you all that I really appreciate everything you guys have done for me. There aren't enough words to express my appreciation. Just, thank you." I told them, chocking on my tears. 

Everyone surrounded me and the love that filled that room was enough to last a life time. 

I love having my family. 

Nothing could stop me now.

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