"I swear I didn't mean it like that!" I said quickly out in a rush of regret and guilt then added "But I saw your body Darren! I saw the crime scene...how is this even possible!". I saw his body remotely relax as he pushed a large hand through his hair and grab one of my hands pulling me back out between the houses and into the sea of people heading towards the castle like I originally was. Where is he taking me? How is this even possible!?!. After about 10 minutes Darren finally slowed his fast pace down as we reached a corner of the forest surrounded by darkness and the sun no longer shone over here. Hairs on my arms and neck rose warning me to go back to the market and find mum and dad but there was no hope as Darren tightened his grip on my hand ever so slightly like he knew I was thinking of running. "Come on" he said as he stepped into the forest and pulled me along with him and the shadows around us swallowed us whole."Darren where are you taking me!?!" I demanded having finally had enough of him dragging me further and further into the dark forest and away from the happy village with the magnificent castle and the sun beaming over it. "Be quiet and keep up" he grunted back to me pulling me closer to him as I noticed the gunged covered tree's starting to thin out into what could be a clearing. I could hear hushed voices coming loader and loader as the tree's got thinner and thinner. Darren stopped suddenly making me crash into his rock hard back hurting my chest what collided with it. Since when did Darren get so buff?. "Darren?" I heard a deep voice rumble and suddenly I was thrown into the air crashing down towards the ground.
I let out a scream as the air around me rushed past telling me how fast I was soaring towards the ground. Then suddenly as I held my breath ready for impact I felt arms circle me and hold me just above the forest floor but I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes just yet. "Well well what do we have here?" the same deep voice snarled above me as he lightly placed me back on my feet but kept an arm around my waist for support. I opened my eyes looking around the clearing with about five people around not including Darren what was slowly walking down the slope from the top of the hill like drop I was just standing on. Oh my god! That means Darren threw me! I am going to kill him for that!. I glared at Darren as he finally made it so he was standing in front of me with his head curiously cocked to the side in slight amusement. "Now now children play nice" the deep voice said again as he lightly pushed me to stand next to Darren and made it so I could see him in full.
The man what saved me had dark blond muddy type shoulder length hair and light bluey green eyes with flecks of honey. He was tall with a well built frame and wore a tight black v neck top and black leather skinny jeans showing how big he was downstairs. I drew my eyes slowly up and down him taking it all in before he let out a chuckle and said "I like this one, she was planning to kill you for throwing her" with an amused half grin half smirk. I flushed red and looked at Darren looking at me curiously with slight amusement and worry. "Okay why have you brought her here? Please tell me she's someone to convert" the guy said in his deep voice keeping his eyes on me the whole time he was talking to Darren. "She doesn't know about anything. She didn't even know where she is at the moment and I thought you would be best to explain and maybe we can. I'm not sure...she smells weird...kind of dog like if you ask me" Darren said taking a sniff of the air around me making my leg kick him in the knee with a crack as he fell to the floor glaring at me without anything else. Ha take that!.
so its suuuuuuper long this time!! :D so in return comment, vote and fan me!!!! :D from annie xxxxx

The Struggle
WerewolfLexxie is back and something isnt right when she wakes up alone in the forest the battle was and her memories seem to be fading and why cant she talk to Sam anymore? Have they left her? or will the new stranger in the woods shed some light on what i...