School Festival 1

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"Just another boring day...", the black-haired boy grumbled as he sat on a chair with an expression on his face that looked bored.

A girl with red scarf who was sitting next to him, replied, as she clenched her hands in front of her chest. "Don't be like that, Shintaro-kun! Tomorrow is the day of the school festival! You must be excited!"

The black-haired boy stared at the girl, and said with a furrowed brows, "You're weird, huh? School festival is so boring. Beside, I couldn't do anything."

The red scarf girl shook her head, then she grasped the boy's hand. When the girl grasped his hand, the boy's face was flushed, and he slightly turned his face because the girl's face was too close with his face. Though, she did not care about it.

"W-What...", he said with a vague tone.

Still looking at him, the girl's eyes sparkling. "This year, school festival will be amazing! Takane-san and Haruka-san will join the festival too! Even though they are in special class!"

"O-oh... Yeah..." Actually, the boy didn't really listened to her. Her face was way TOO close. He couldn't really listened to her because of that.

"Shintaro, Ayano-chan!"

They both turned to the voice that called them. The voice was coming from black-haired girl with twintails hair; Takane Enomoto. And, she was together with her only friend in her class; Haruka Kokonose, the plain boy with messy hair.

After Takane called them, she and Haruka went into that deserted classroom. Just four of them there, because it was getting late. The sun began to set, and many students in the club activities had gone home. The school was now noticeably quieter. Like they were just the only one to be there.

"Tomorrow will be the school festival... What will your class do?", Haruka asked as he and Takane sat in front of Shintaro and Ayano.

Ayano smiled and replied, "Our class will do the haunted house."

As he heard this, Haruka's eyes was sparkling like Ayano before, and he exclaimed with a happy tone, "Whoaaa! Haunted house! I want to go there later!"

Seeing Ayano's and Haruka's happy face, Shintaro just stared at them and sighed. "Why are you guys so enthusiastic with it? It's just school festival..." Takane, who had been silent only, looked at Shintaro and sighed too. "I agree. It's very annoying. There will be loud noises from people's scream and after the festival end, a lot of garbage will scattered everywhere. It's uncomfortable to be seen."

Heard them murmur, Haruka and Ayano stared at each other with different expression on their face. Haruka confused and Ayano smiled. They didn't think the same thoughts.

Ayano exclaimed, still decorated her face with a smile, "It will be fun! But, It's still a secret!"

After said that; Shintaro, Haruka, and Takane were puzzled. They silent until some minutes later. And then, like always, they go home.


( The real story begins! )

- Tomorrow -

The school festival began. Although it was still early, many people have started to arrive. Among some people there, two kids walked through many people that passing by. One boy and one girl. The boy had blond hair and cat-eyes, he had a grin on his face which is his characteristic. And, the girl had green long hair, she wears a jacket and some clothes in it.

The cat-eyed boy ran ahead of green-haired girl. He shouted, waving his hand, "Tsubomi! You're sooo slooow~!" The girl known as Tsubomi, replied him as she sighed and walked beside him again, "Shut up... We are here because Onee-chan asked us to come to her school festival." The cat-eyed boy grinned and began to pat her shoulder, "Eeh~ Isn't it alright~? School festival is fun!" Tsubomi frowned, then she removed his hand as she whispered to him, "Well... Whatever."

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After Tsubomi said that, the two kids began to quiet. Maybe they ran out of topics. A few minutes passed. They were still walking to the school building. After they entered the building, they planned to look for her big sister's class. They just wanted to visit and greet her, because her big sister was the one who asked them to visit her school festival. Well, that was the one of the reasons though. Actually, they just wanted to playing. You know, they were still kids. So, content of their thoughts just to keep playing.

They arrived in front of a class, and beneath the '1-2''s word, there is a word written in black bold, says 'HAUNTED HOUSE'. The two kids just stared at the words. Tsubomi started dropping her sweat while cat-eyed boy grinned like he always do.

"Onee-chan is in class 1-2, right? Shuuya?", Tsubomi asked her brother as she began to tremble.

The boy known as Shuuya giggled, "Yes, I think. Kukuku! I know that you're scared, Tsubomi- Ugh!" Tsubomi punched him right in the stomach when she heard 'scared''s word. Shuuya grabbed his stomach as he winced in pain.

"I-I'm not scared! I-I just... want to see onee-chan first! So, let's skip this. We are gonna see onee-chan!", Tsubomi replied with a face as red as a tomato.

"Kuku~ Okay, okay~ Buuut!" He gave pause to his words. This makes Tsubomi a little curious about the continuation of his words. He continued, "I heard that nee-chan is also in the haunted house~"

After she heard it, Tsubomi gulped. She asked again to make sure what she heard, "W-What? Why onee-chan is in this haunted house?"

Still grinning, Shuuya replied, "Because she is the one that pretends to be the ghost in this haunted house~ So, what will we do? We go into the haunted house together?"

Tsubomi was dropping her sweat again, and tremble more than before, "I-If you insist..."

Shuuya grinned, then he grasped Tsubomi's hand and pull it towards the long queue in front of the haunted house, "Then, let's go~"

As they arrived at a long queue that now could be seen in front of them, Shuuya lets go her hand, then they queued as well. Around 30 people waited at outside of the haunted house. Why is this haunted house is so popular?

Shuuya looked to the right then left to look for a people that he could be asked. Then, he's found the right man. The person was a boy with black hair and he holds an iPhone on his hand. Before he walked to that people, he asked Tsubomi to waited. She nodded. Then, he walked to the people, and he asked him, "Umm.. Excuse me. Why is that haunted house is so popular? It has a very long queue."

The boy with black hair turned his face and looked at him after heard Shuuya's voice, "Uh, Oh... I don't know... But, I think I heard those people said that the haunted house will be very scary," he said while pointed at the queue.

Shuuya looked where the finger was pointed, then he looked back again and stared at the black-haired boy, "Hm~ Thank you!" He grinned as he thanked him. Then he went back again to Tsubomi, who was had dropped a lot of sweat from her cheeks, maybe because she always wears very thick clothes... or she was scared...?

Shuuya, with his widened grin, raised his hands up to the air. He walked a little by little... until he was very close to Tsubomi... then he tapped her shoulders quickly while shouted, "Buuu!"

"GYAAAAAA!", Tsubomi screamed very loudly and jumped up after shocked by Shuuya's. Some people who had heard her scream, looked at the two kids. Tsubomi realized it, she looked down to floor as she blushing very much because embarrassment.

Regardless of people's eyes, Shuuya poked Tsubomi and said, "Hey, hey~ Your face is pale. Are you sure you want to enter?"

Tsubomi -being a tsundere- then replied, "Y-Yes! I still want to get in! A-And my face is not pale now! I-I like haunted house...!"

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