Chapter 2B

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Niall took Amanda's hand again. "C'mon we got a lot to show you. Let's start with the stage. Julie follow us."

Julie made sure Harry walked out ahead of them and then followed Niall and Amanda. She didn't think she could be anywhere near Harry right now. Or ever for that matter. She almost couldn't wait for the night to be over. She felt someone at her side and looked over to see Louis walking beside her.

"I need to find out more about you. I think we can be great friends. Anyone who can completely render Harry speechless even for a second is someone I need on my side. When Lottie told us what you said. He was speechless. Brilliant you are." Louis said.

Julie blushed even more. "I didn' wasn' was only supposed....Amanda was the only one supposed to hear it.....especially not Harry."

"Oh I know, but it needed to be told. It was the best story ever!" Louis laughed. "You will fit right in around here."

The rest of the night went by like a blur. Niall showed the girls the stage and everything that went into putting on a show. Before they knew it, it was time for the guys to get ready to put on the show. It was such an amazing experience. Something neither of the girls ever thought they would get to do in their lifetimes. Julie was especially thrilled. Amanda thought she had never seen her so excited to learn about anything, but when Niall was talking about the whole thing, Amanda was just happy to be there and listening to him talk; and Julie seemed completely into every bit of it. She seemed super excited to be learning about every detail. Amanda was happy to see that. Julie was good at everything she did. When she put her mind to it, Julie could do whatever she wanted too and well; however, she always seemed to lack that certain passion for any of it. Amanda swore she saw glimpses tonight when Niall was going into details of the music. Amanda had to remember to talk to Julie about that. Was this what was missing? As much as she knew about her best friend, there was always the part behind the wall Julie kept up. The deepest part of her, and Amanda was going to get there one way or another.

Julie loved every part of the music scene. This was incredible. How every detail came together to put on such a huge show. She was stuck on every word Niall had to say. Plus, it gave her an excuse to completely ignore Harry. Not that she thought about it when Niall was going through things. There was something about it that just got her so excited. Practical Julie, be practical. Nursing will give you what you need. No dream chasing now. Time to grow up, and figure it out. She stood next to Amanda backstage and wrapped her arm in Amanda's arm and leaned her head on her shoulder. She couldn't believe what was happening, and they were about to have the best seats in the house for the biggest concert of the year.

Niall came up from behind and put his arms around the both of them and kinda squeezed in between them. "I hope you enjoyed yourselves tonight. When the show ends, James and Michael are going to take you to our transportation and back to our hotel, so you can hang out with us after. Since we have a second show here tomorrow, we don't leave yet." He kissed each girl on the cheek, squeezed Amanda's hand, and walked away before either girl could protest.

"What just happened?" Julie asked Amanda.

Amanda laughed. "I think we just got asked out, and since he didn't want to hear any excuses or a no, he left before he could hear any. We are going right?"

"Panda, I can't. I can't miss this final tomorrow, and I have to study. If I stay up all night, even if I make it to my final, I would be in no position to pass." She wasn't even convinced at the moment it was what she wanted anymore, but she had to be responsible. She went through all this school and worked so hard, she couldn't blow this off. Not even for Niall and One Direction. Not even for Amanda. "You should go though. You and Niall are great together. I can get through this on my own."

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