Ok so lets get this situated!

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Amelia p.o.v
All the nations agreed to help!Really I was surprised because they act like absolute jerks to al but they seem very determined to help out,ara~I wonder how this will turn out,well hopefully getting al back,besides I will get al back no matter what because he was the only one who believed I was just as strong as the other,not going to lie I'm pretty strong hehe~

Allen p.o.v
To my fucking surprised they all agreed to help,but I can't get comfortable now,they could be lying like always and if they ditch us oh well I'll bet them up till they almost die and save al myself and maybe he'll let me go on free!

Jones p.o.v
Oh my~These guys actually agreed to this,hm maybe I did misjudged him but you can't always be so cautions but if everything fails I'll gladly shoot everyone to death and save Alfred myself,maybe we'll be able to take over the world,oh yes.The new world will be called the United Nations of america.

Alfie p.o.v
Hm?everyone is so tense I mean I understand but al will be back I know it!And when he does we will go for ice cream at that ice cream shop we always pass by at together!And then go have some fun at the park!

Alden p.o.v
Hm everyone is acting so weird,I feel so uncomfortable,I really just want al back...he always makes me feel so safe even near the rest but now I'm with the big guys...I'll try to help and find al!Thats the least I can do for all the things he has done for me...

Third p.o.v
"So first we will have to get you guys situated"Germany said looking tired looking over the other five America's with each different auras coming from them,"I believe they should stay with me da?"Ivan said with his normal childish grin,and with that all five America's turned to look at him in horror well except alfie,"No no!I don't believe we should be with HIM"Allen said shaking his head,"Don't worry lads I believe you guys staying with me is the most reasonable"england said looking at alfie,"I believe we should get a voice in this don't you guys agree?"jones said and all of the other four America's nodded,"Wait wait you guys barely know this place you don't even know how-"Canada said but was cut off,"We've seen enough to know this Matthew!"Amelia huffed with her cheeks puffed out.

By now there we're arguing of where to go all except alfie and Alden,"Hey Alden,who do you want to go with?I want to go will big brother england!"alfie said giggling but Alden just stayed quiet for a while before speaking,"W-well I don't really like them that much so I don't r-really know...but I wouldn't mind Matthew he's quiet nice..."he said quietly in a more comfortable voice.

After it seems like hours of disagreeing they finally came with a conclusion,"Because Canada is closer to America some should go with him and to help england to figure out how to get America the others will go with him"Germany said with a relieved sigh,"So how are we going to spilt up?"Allen said with a tired glare,"I know the ones going with england will be me!And Allen and jo-"alfie said,"Hell no"Jones said with a smile,"yeah I agree!Alfie you shouldn't be making the fucking rules"Allen said,"oh shut up and shuck it up"Amelia said lastly by now mostly everyone left because of this tiring situation.But at last they finally were able to have a plan,the ones going with England were
Alfie and Allen
And the ones going with Canada will be
Jones,Amelia and Alden.
And with that everyone went their separate ways and hoped for the best tomorrow so let's go see how the care takers are handling this.

England p.o.v
I'm still very confused and dumbfounded of this whole situation,but why did Alfred keep this whole thing a secret?Im I not reliable enough?Well that doesn't matter I have to help get Alfred back and to get him back I just take care of them,though I'm pretty happy to get to see Alfred as a colony again but I also get Allen.....he will be a challenge but I will keep him under control!Just like back then with Alfred.

Canada p.o.v
Man,I really never expected anything like this to happen,I'm still just as confused as everyone here but also in a daze but I must not waste any time just being in a daze and do nothing,I must try to help find Alfred maybe I can get more answers from them though and get more information of this whole ordeal but I must try to keep them all together.Why?Easy,they could run away and we will never get Alfred back or they will try to take over Alfred's spot or even worst try to take over the world!But in the end of the day I hope we all have the same goal to find Alfred!

Third p.o.v
As the two groups said their goodbyes they went their separate ways,willingly or forcefully.

With england
Right now England is in a awkward taxi ride with Allen and alfie I mean what can you do when one of them reminds you of your son back as a child and the other acts like your son when he left you?But alfie started talking to england like how Alfred used to and with those small conversations in the taxi made england remember the warm,filled with laughter and smiles with Alfred,'big brother England!'those words really put England at ease,"Big brother england!"england looked at that voice and it was alfie,"O-oh yes alfie?"england said with a smile,"When we get home will you make us dinner as you did before?"alfie smiled that made England's heart melt,"Oh hell no!i ain't eating that shit you call food!"Allen said fuming,"shut it git!"Arthur replied.Lets just say the rest of the trip back to the uk wasn't as peaceful

With Canada
At the moment Canada is just sitting in silence it was kinda peaceful since he did get the more quiet ones unlike with england."So!Canada,dude,how are you doing."amelia asked trying to break the silence,"Oh!uh well I guess I'm fine but I'm still confused with this whole situation..."Canada said."well it does make sense after everything that just happened"Jones said looking around the house,more specifically one of Canada's many house in America,you see since Canada and America are brothers they sometimes stay In each other's country for business or just for fun so at the moment they are in one of Canada's houses in America,"Anyways I'll be heading to my room good night"Jones said with a smile and left,"a-ah I should be heading in for the night too..."alden whispered but it was loud enough for them to hear,"yes good night Alden and don't forget to actually sleep this time dude!"Amelia said with a warm smile.Alden just nodded and speak walked to one of the extra rooms"Hey Amelia,are they always like this or is it because of me eh?"Canada said but Amelia just smiled is response,"Well you see they aren't the ones to open up easily obviously.But I don't think they see you as a threat don't worry about besides it's pretty strange for us too"she patted Canada's back and left,"she really is a mom type"Canada smiled and went to his room

Hey y'all how y'all been?well guess I'm so happy that I actually finished this chapter so I already had a head start for the next chapter so hopefully I get to publish the chapter faster

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