The Girl
I don't why I am so intrigued with those boys.
Or why there so intrigued with me.
The ugly girl with an ugly past.
The broken girl.
With the shattered heart.
And all alone.
The girl who refuses to talk to anyone.
I am like glass.
Once it's broken, you can't perfectly put the pieces back together.
There will always be cracks.
We all sit in silence at Michaels empty place.
I stare at the floor, the image of the girls eyes stuck in my head.
The broken, shattered ones.
What happened to her?
What could have cause her to become mute?
To be broken, like a piece of shattered glass?
And why is she alone?
She seems so gentle.
So different.
I like different.
I honestly don't know what to make of the mystery girl.
She's defiantly hurting inside.
I can see it in her face expressions, her fake smile, her eyes.
She is broken.
For a while, no one speaks.
"What could have happened to her?" Luke whimpers.
"I don't know." I whisper.
"How bad do you think it is?" Calum mumbled, not meeting my eyes.
"On a scale from one to ten, I'd say eight." Michael sighed.
"Let's do something." I begged. "We're letting a girl we don't even slightly know get us down. Let's go on a walk."
Something flickered in Luke's eyes.
I decided to ignore it as we started to walk to the park.
Head down, Luke didn't speak, his hands shoved into his pockets of his black jacket.
I don't stop thinking of her. Being silent just makes me think more about her.
I really would like to know her name.
As we near the play ground in the park, Ashton let's out an excited squeal.
"A playground!" He exclaims, and we all run towards it.
Even me.
I don't want to be sad right now.
I don't need to be sad for her.
She doesn't want my pity.
As sit down on slide, as I go down with Ashton, I hear a groan from underneath.
A girl peeks her head out.
The first thing I see are the broken gray eyes.
Of the broken girl.
Hey guys!
I'm having trouble picking out a name for the girl.
Tell me which one you like the most:
Comment which one you like- or you can comment on my other account,
on my fanfiction Voodoo Doll.
It's OneDDDD1D in case you can't remember.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed!
Thanks! I'll update again soon!

Beside You
Fanfiction"She sleeps alone, my heart wants to come home" "I wish I was I wish i was" "Beside You" No one ever cared. Until they came along.