You sat at jitters, waiting for your blind date to appear so to speak. You had spent the last hour waiting on this person to show up, but they stood you up. You let out a heavy sigh and you stood up, paying before you left the building. You bumped into someone. You looked at the ground and apologized to them. You heard a low chuckle as he lifted your head up.
"it's perfectly fine. It happens all the time." he smiles gently at you.
"cisco" You say grinning. "Watcha Doin?"
He cocks his head and smiles brightly. "Oh you know just getting a coffee to recharge. I've been working all-hold on. What are you dressed like that for because you look gorgeous."
You blush for a second before explaining how your planned date went to ashes because they never showed up. He gives you a small hug before getting an idea.
"how about we go back to the lab and watch movies and eat snacks. His smile was caring.
"alright but I pick. Deal?"
You both get refuel juice and head to the lab. You decided to walk to the lab, since it was only a few blocks away and you two didn't have Vehicles. You got a shiver down your spine and sighed. Cisco got the hint and handed you his jacket. You blushed and put the jacket on. It was fairly big on your small physique. You felt a fleck land on your nose. You shot your head up and, believe it or not, it was snowing. You looked at Cisco and smiled before looking back at the sky. You loved snow just as much as the next, but something about it made you more interested to touch it. You stuck your hand out and caught some snowflakes. You absolutely loved it. That was until you popped back into reality, when you felt a gush of cold wind travel up your dress.
You apologized to Cisco once again and he just smiled.
"if your happy [y/n] then I'm happy"
You two continued to make your way to the lab. You two talked about a number of things. He struck you with a question you didn't even know the answer to.
"[y/n] why do you date if you are going to get hurt anyway. Why do you let yourself do it?" he sounded like he had just cried. His tone sounded worried. " I'm just worried you might get hurt."
You were suprised at his question. You began to think. Why did you date nothingness guys that you knew weren't going to be in your future. You answered after some time. " I don't know to be honest. I guess I just have been through so much I try to relief from actual life when I date. Maybe it's because I'm lonely. My parents died in a car accident when I was 8 so I've learned to deal with being alone. Only recently I've tried finding someone who won't leave me like they did. "
That answer was nothing that he expected. He sniffled as he pulled you into a tight hug, in the parking lot of S.T.A.R. LABS. you began to cry into his chest as he stopped you.
"[y/n] I didn't know I'm so sorry. Don't cry I know that you will find someone better."
"like who? " you asked between sniffles.
"like me." he blushed slightly as you lifted your head out of his chest. " just one date. You can choose whether you would like to continue dating or leave it at the first date. What do you say"
"sure." you say as you approach the entrance. "how about your place Tho. It would better fit a date wouldn't it? "
He nodded as you pulled out your phone to have a cab delivered. The tables were then turned to Cisco. He told the driver where to go and payed him up front. He carried you inside the building bridal style. Once you arrived at his home he gave a weak smile.
"I'm sorry it's a bit messy. I didn't know I would be doing this today." he frantically tried to put some order in the apartment.
You giggled and stopped him. "Cisco it's fine."
He offered you a seat on his navy blue furniture. You sat down on the couch and looked around. It was a nice place, even with the clothes scattered around the place. You put your purse on the spot next to you. He brings over a bowl of pretzels and chips. He brings over two cokes.
"I hope you like coke..." he laughs nervously.
"coke Is fine. " you smiled at him and you say the tint of pink on his cheeks become darker.
You both decided to watch the Chronicles of Narnia. You and Cisco loved this series. You sat firmly in the middle cushion. Cisco looked at you puzzled.
"cmon [y/n] I don't bite" he opened his arms for you to snuggle into him and you took the request. You felt his warmth on your side as you leaned into him. It could almost send you into sleep...
You woke up about the time the movie ended. You looked up at Cisco who was reading a book. You lifted your head up and looked at him.
"I'm so sorry cisco".
"don't worry I understand. You had a long day especially in those heels. How do you people hurt yourself like that. " he smiled gently as he reached out his hand. "let me take you home. "
"could I...stay here tonight. I just want want to be alone. " your tone was soft and he agreed. He picked you up and carried you to the next room.
"I'll find you something to wear." he started rummaging through his drawer. You start to zip down your dress but it got stuck.
"Cisco? C-can you help me undress?"
He turned around to help me undress. He got closer to me and put his hands on the zipper. I could feel his breath on my neck as he slid the zipper down carefully.
You took the bait, turned around and pressed your lips against his. He pulled back quickly, you could see the lust in his eyes. Then after what seemed like an eternity he slammed his lips into yours. Kisses full of lust as he backs you up onto the wall. You felt his Hand trail down your side as he pulled the dress further down. You finished taking the dress off and threw it onto the floor with the rest of the clothes. He squeezed your bottom before bringing his hand up to the small of your back. You jumped onto him and wrapped your legs around his hips. He kissed you one more time before taking his shirt off. He took a liking to a soft spot on your neck and began to kiss it lightly. You moaned silently with the blood rushing to your head. You could feel his bulge growing into your wet entrance. You couldn't take it anymore as you moaned loudly when the jeans he were wearing rubbed against your clit.
He, of course, took the advantage and rolled his hips against your area, making you lean your head back and arch your back.
"stop teasing me" you managed to get three words put between the moans. He smirked against your neck and pulled you off the wall and onto the bed in one swift movement. You giggled when he gave you a small strip tease. He giggled with you as he took the rest of the clothes off both of you. You kissed his neck and allowed him entrance. He slid himself in slowly and you moaned. He kissed your head before pulling out and slamming into you again. It was the best feeling in the world. He continued to thrust into you at a steady pace. His lips found your hard nipples and he bit down gently and licked the tip. This sent you in total ecstasy. You threw your head back and arched your back as you came on his member. He reached his climax as he quickly pulled out and released on your stomach. He collapsed next to you. You both layer there for a minute, riding out your high. You both got up and headed to the bathroom to clean up. He ran the greater in the shower and left to go get a towel. You stepped in and washed up, cleaning up all the sticky remains on your stomach. After you both had showers you stepped back into his room. Putting on the clothes he had lended you. You layed in his bed with him, cuddling into him as you both drifted into unconsciousness.

Short Stories
RandomMy take on various writing prompts I found off the internet. I hope you enjoy. And if u would like to give me a reading prompt my dms are always open