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>> grocery shopping

+ your ocs shopping together

+ your otp shopping together or bumping into each other several times

+ otp babysitting while shopping and being mistaken as a family

+ this scenario:







+ breaking into song when a specific song comes up

+ person A buying food for person B who is back at the house/car

+ person A giving person B a long ass list of things to buy

+ scavenger hunt for items (a friendly competition to see who gets the items faster)

+ forgetting wallets constantly

+ losing something then trying to look for it for like an hour but it's actually just in their back pocket

+ this scene from supernatural:

"They ran out of pie"

'So you got cake?'


'Dude, cake sucks.'

"It's literally the same thing."

'No, no. Pie is way better. Now cake...cake is disgusting'

"Just...just try it."

(not the exact thing but similar lolol)

+ the short one failing to reach the high shelves and the tall kid teases them about it but gets it for them anyway

+ dancing to the music in an isolated aisle and singing/whisper-shouting the lyrics

+ buying an expensive item like:

"Should we?"

'We shouldn't.'

"But we could."

'Yeah, but we shouldn't.'

"But we could."

' you right.'

+ pushing each other in a cart

+ making those weird grocery store vines where they slide through the floor or some sh--

+ looking at something and thinking '[name] would love this...'

+ going to the store for just one item but ending up at a very long line at the counter and they just rant excessively

+ being kicked out because they were too noisy

+ person A waiting in line while person B grabs an item and they return to see person A panicking at the counter because they dont have the money

+ arguments about which cereal is better

+ fighting with a smartass kid for the last juice box

+ furiously yelling about running out of milk or something before going to the store all grumpy (i like to think of the antagonist/s doing this)

+ the protagonist and antagonist seeing each other while shopping and are subtly trying to annoy each other (ie. putting expensive sh-- into the other's cart, bumping the other with their cart, taking what they were gonna take before them)

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