\\ Chapter Thirteen //

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( A/N: Hello my lovelies! Sorry for the slowness of this story, trying to get the creative juices flowing lol :) And btw thank you so much for over 100 votes on this! I wasn't expecting it, honestly <3 now let's start shall we? xx )




Leila's POV

I woke up to the sound of my alarm sounding right into my ear. I slapped it off of the nightstand and groaned. Today was the day we were supposed to go back to work and to be honest I wasn't ready to face Seth. I cannot imagine how devastated he is, it drives me insane.

I felt a weird sensation in my stomach followed by a nauseating feeling that jolted me up and into the bathroom. I hovered over the toilet and let all the fluids from my body emerge into the toilet.

After a few minutes of that, I turned the shower on to get ready for the day.

I couldn't be pregnant? Could I?


Seth's POV

I pushed the hair out of my face a checked my phone. It was now approaching 11 am and I had to pack for the tapings. I got up out of bed to realize that I was naked. Once I got up and looked in the bed I froze at the sight, it was Leigha sleeping peacefully with her burgundy hair scattered all over her tiny face.

What the hell have I done? Do I still have feelings for Leigha? No shut the fuck up Seth you love Leila. But we aren't together anymore so it doesn't matter.

I paced back and forth furiously and looked for an signs of us using protection. So I guess we didn't.

" Fuck.. " I muttered then threw on my clothes and left.

I really hope this shit doesn't backfire on me.


Roman's POV

I sat in my room with a case of beer. I was on my 12th beer and so far nothing or anything phased me. What was I honestly trying to accomplish by doing that to Seth? I lost a good friend of mine and that's not what I intended to do.

I downed the rest of my beer and threw it at the lamp causing it to fall and shatter into pieces.

Everyone would be better off without me. I've caused nothing but a shitload of trouble to everyone, including the people that meant the most to me.

Everything around me started to get blurry, causing my head to throb. I got weaker and weaker .. then everything went black.


Dean's POV

Kaitlyn and I had just arrived to the hotel from hanging out and I must admit, it was great. I wonder if she feels the same way I feel about her, considering I'm not the romantic type.

" It was fun .. honestly Dean. " She said which caused me to smirk like an idiot.

" I enjoyed it too Kait. " I said then looked down at my shoes.

The elevator got to the floor and we walked to the hotel room.

Once we walked into the hotel room I got a bad vibe, I don't know why.

" Roman? " I called out.

No answer.

Kaitlyn shot me a worried look. " You here man? " I called out again.

There was nothing but a lingering silence in the room that bothered me.

" Stay right here Kait. " I said then made my way towards Roman's room.

The door was cracked indicating that someone was in there. When I walked in there I couldn't believe what I saw.

" Kait! Call the ambulance! " I shouted then bolted to Roman's unconsious body.

" Roman, stay with us man. You hear me?! " I shouted furiously as the tears threatened to come out of my eyes.


Leila's POV

" It says wait a few minutes before seeing the results Apes , will you quit staring at it? " I asked then rolled my eyes.

She looked at me then back at the stick sitting on the sink. " Sorry, anxiety kills. " she said followed with a nervous chuckle.

I was about to say something but her cell phone interrupted me. She mouthed sorry then pressed the answer button.

" Hello? .. Wait Kait .. p-please slow down! W-what? o-okay we'll be there in ten! " she said shakily then hung up.

A feeling of worry rushed over me. " What's wrong Apes? " I asked then looked at her with pleading eyes.

" Roman's in the hospital, everyone's there already! We have to go NOW! " she exclaimed then put on her hoodie and followed me out of the hotel.

I wanted to cry but I stayed silent for most of the car ride.




AND that's all folks! I hope you enjoyed it , I tried to add as many bumps and turns as I can! God the feels in this chapter are too real /: Show some love and vote xx 💕


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