I lay there, on my bed, silently staring up at the ceiling. Rain hitting harsh against the window. I can't remember how long I've laid here for.
I haven't had contact with him for almost a year and a half, and now I can't even say goodbye. I've tried to run, I've tried to hate, I've tried to feel like a terrible person for murdering people. I've tried to escape this place, and I've come to love it. I've tried to run back to him, tried to see him one last time, but I can't. And now, I never will. This is my home now, no reason to even think of leaving anymore... The only thing I had to look forward to is gone. My first friend, first crush, first love, first... He's.... He's all I have... All I had....
"You still have me..." a low voice calls from the doorway. I sit up slowly to see Jeff shutting the door behind him and looking at me sympathetically. He's a sociopath, showing sympathy, its strangely comforting.... heh...
Jeff sits on the bed beside me, "I'm not gonna sugar coat it. Ben filled me in on what happened... I'm sorry." he says.
"Its fine Jeff... I just... It feels like mom and dad all over again... The pain keeps building up... I just, it hurts, and its not something a band aid is gonna fix." I whimper. I can't help but curl into myself, my chest feels like someone took a thousand knives and stabbed me in the same spot, each knife a sharper blade. Jeff sighs beside me, "(y/n)... How about coming with me on my mission in the morning?" he asks. The rain picks up slightly and I sniffle looking down at the floor. Thunder rumbles and lightning flashes in the evening light. I nod slowly as a few tears fall from my face. Jeff removes the mask from my face and scans over my expression. In a flash I'm in his arms. My sobs ever so soft as he runs his fingers through my hair. His aura is the prettiest of purples, like a sympathetic yet angry color. "Why are you a-angry?" I manage to choke out.
"... Heh... How could you tell?... I'm mad because I couldn't keep you from this... I like you a lot (y/n). You remind me of someone I know. I want to keep you safe, see you happy, but I couldn't keep this from happening..." Jeff states sincerely. I sigh, "it's not your fault..." and to this Jeff holds me tighter.
I melt into his embrace needing comfort. It hurts to lose the only person you're close to. I still haven't figured Tim out completely. "...(y/n)......." Jeff says my name without any actual idea as to what to say next. My world has completely crumbled and I have no way to fix it. A loud crash of thunder rattles the windows and I let out a small squeak of a sob.
The door knob starts to turn as a surprised Tim walks in. His aura switches to angry and to confused and jolts all over the place. I slowly look towards him and I guess he sees the glint of tears through the lightning's illumination. His aura immediately changes to an orange like color, like curious anger and confusion. He walks over and I push away from Jeff slightly to sit up. Tim leans down to look me in my eyes and wipe away the tears on my cheeks. "What happened?" he asks.Jeff sits on my left and Tim on my right, both their auras a sincere sorrow. Its not their fault... They shouldn't have to feel like they could have done something, its just not, there's no use! It's not their problem!
Its almost midnight and I have no more tears left to cry, my eyes hurt to close and I have a pounding headache. I have no energy nor the will to do anything... The rain has almost completely stopped, but the lightning is still flashing at a constant. Jeff stands up kissing my forehead and walks out of the room, my head is spun on too tight at the moment, my eyes are about to drop shut no matter how much they sting. My entire body aches and I just want to lay down...
"(Y/n).... Get some rest.... I'll stay here if you like...." Tim offers. I don't even have the mental strength to speak, I just want to cry, and I can't even manage that... Lightning strikes bright as if it were just outside the windows. "Take that as a yes.... You can stop with the lightning storm..." Tim states. I widen my eyes slightly at the realization and the lightning ceases, subconscious outbursts? Then that means.... I have to control myself.... This has to stop.... No matter how much it hurts....I don't get it.....
I'm awake but everything is black, and there are wispy outlines around the room.... oh... must be that time then. My sight was only temporary, should have expected it to go out soon... I need to talk to slender...
Some ones arms are around my waist and their head is hurried in my neck, short steady breaths. I sigh and turn over to Tim's outline. His wispy light blue, peaceful sleeping self. I wiggle my way out of bed and reach to grab my mask. I place it on and walk downstairs. No one seems to be awake just yet, not even someone making breakfast, must be early. I walk to the door and step outside, "morning im-pasta." a dark voice says with a chuckle.
"Your sight wore off yes? Well. Tooo baaad~" he whispers somewhat. I growl and sit down in a chair. I'll ignore he's even here.
From today on, I have nothing to lose and no one to betray. I hate killing, the thought of it at least, but man will it feel good to take my anger out on something later.From today on... Everything changes. What's a moral? Heh...hehehe.........hahahahahahhaahahahha! I might just go fucking insane! I find myself chuckling slightly as I walk away from the mansion. My hands in my pockets and my hood on my head. Jackson is gone, my little family is a bunch of murderers, I've started to take a liking to killing, or at least the action of doing so, and for fucks sake I have the ability to control electricity.
Whatever whacked out dream in in, whatever drug I'm on, whatever reality I'm in, someone wake me up.... This is hell.
Before I know everything returns to being black. "Ready to go (y/n)?" Jeff asks. I feel myself nod but I can't control it, its like I'm doing it subconsciously, like my consciousness fully shut down and I've been thrust into darkness. My body moves but I can't make it stop, everything is going too fast....
I feel everything shift and I sit down, not me, but my body. Vibrations signal a car. I can't move on will.... What's happening to me? "Someone? Anyone! Jeff! Help me!" I scream as loud as I can by my mouth doesn't move, no noise is made... I can't break free... I call out for help but no one hear a my cries... From now on, everything changes... For better... Or for worse...Word count: 1241
Authors note:
Soooo? What's happening? Why is this happening? Have you finally gone insane? Find out in the next chapter~

Masky x Blind Reader (Continued)
Fanfictionstarting with chapter three. check out chapter one and two @ThiefGirlGamer my other account that locked me out....yeah.... This is a multi-gender fan fiction. So anyone can read ✌