Chapter 1

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All I remember is this crushing, unrelenting sadness when we saw. My brother and I, that is. Back then, he didn't really understand the concept of ‘death’. He just kept asking, “Dino, where's Mom?” “Dino, where's Dad?” “When are they coming home?”..... My answer to him kept getting further and further from the truth. First, I simply told him they were dead. Then he asked, and pushed, just pushed to understand what had happened.  It got so bad, I just told him they were on a vacation forever. But that was then. Back when he was four. Now, he's understanding. Now he knows what the bags under my eyes are. Now he knows that I'm not laughing at a funny dream at night. He's getting smarter, and that scares me. My little demon, oh how you have grown. I know you- “MISS ODYSS! Pay attention, and for God's sakes wipe your face! My goodness, are you listening to me?” I closed my notebook. “I've been listening to you talk about things I already know for..” I look at the clock on the wall.“about three hours now? More? Come on, teach. You and I both know I'm capable of being in college. Why won't you just let me skip four years? Todos ustedes son idiotas. I'd be able to take care of Seth. I could have a happy family for once.” The rest of the class stared at me in return. One guy spoke up. “Face it, Dirrean. You have no family.” Alright. Time to get to know me. I'm a pretty chill girl. Ask anyone. But that? Oh. That made me snap. I stood up, everything a blur, and next thing I know there's a guy on the floor with a bloody nose. A gasp echoed through the classroom. The teacher glared at me with her arms crossed and was trembling with rage. “Go to the principal's office. NOW.” She pointed to the door. I walked out the door with my backpack slung over one shoulder. Before I left the room completely, I shot a gesture at the classroom that wouldn't be very appropriate anywhere. I heard a few giggles, and smirked as I exited without looking back at them. I made my way to the principal's office, but halfway there, I stopped and pulled out a box. Oh, Pocky, how I love you so. I pulled one out of the box and started munching on it. Yeeessss. Heaven in my mouth. I tucked the box away and walked the rest of the way to my destination. “Ms. Odyss, we were expecting you. Have a seat.” the secretary told me. I threw my backpack in the corner and slumped into the chair and puffed all the air out of my lungs. I sat there for about an hour, school being done twenty minutes ago. “So’s Mr. WhatsHisName gonna come out, or is he gonna sit like a coward? You're wasting my time. Seth's at home, probably starvin’, ya know.” The lady looked extremely confused. “Who is ‘Seth’? And why would he be starving? Don't your par-” “We don't have parents.” I had said that a little more grim than I meant to, but my point got over. “....I'll talk to Mr. Warden. You are dismissed.” I got out of the chair and walked out of the room. I was halfway out the door until I felt something running down my face. I collapsed onto the floor, a crying mess. The secretary rushed out and pulled me up to a sitting position. Her hands were holding one of my wrists. I pulled away and speed walked outside, tears still burning my face. I was turning the corner of the block when the secretary ran through the large glass doors and yelled to me. “Ms. Odyss! You forgot your backpack!” When I didn't turn to get it, she ran towards me. It takes skill not to slip in heels when there is an icy sidewalk. I give her props for that. She put a hand on my shoulder. I stopped, but didn't turn around. She took my hand out of my pocket and put the strap in it, closing her own hands around mine. “Ms. Odyss, I-” she started. “Dino. It's…. Dino.” “Dino. If you need anything, anything at all, call me.” She took a pen out of her chest pocket and pulled up my sleeve. She scribbled down her phone number. When she finished writing, I pulled my arm away and yanked my sleeve back down. I thanked her and gave her a hug. I walked away, feeling lonely.


Mmkay everyone, how'd y'all like it? I was bored one day sooo I started this. I'm not gonna update often, so don't yell at me plz T^T also this is a sloppy, unplanned story. Just a go-with-the-flow type writing. If you want more, lemme know. I'm probably gonna post another chapter today just cuz I'm in the mood, buuut yeah. Maybe not. Who knows?

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