chapter 3:Its on

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Marcos pov

TOM:Thier you are you little shit! Were is star!?

Marco: ill never tell you. not running anymore. If killing me will satisfy you and stop causing mayhem in mewni then I surrender

Tom:he he he he he...... I knew you weren't man enough to fight me back. I always knew you were a chicken shit.even after that battle with meteora and your still too much of a wimp to fight me(prepares a fire blast)any last words Marco!!

Marco:yes(put two fingers in his mouth and whistles)Nachos!!

Tom(looking confused) that's it? All you have to say is nachos? Not even a I love you star?

Marco:yes that is all

Tom: ok then.......well anyways Goodbye Mar......(gets hit my nachos and falls to the ground knocked out)

It was a good thing Tom forgot about my flying pet dragon-cycle named nachos
She flew down on The ground right next to me

Marco:(petting her)atta girl!! Now come on girl,we gotta by star some time(climbs on her and flies off)

Tom:(wakes up) wha...what?(look around and sees Marco riding on nachos flying away)AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!(flies after him)

As I was flying through the air I noticed a fire ball flew passed me.i looked back and saw tom chasing me with an angry expression then I heard him say

Tom: your gonna pay for that!!!

Marco:like I said Tom you can't have star! Its like I said a long time ago.You can't make her be yours unless she wants to be with you which will never happen!

Tom:Oh believe me it will happen!.Even if I have to force her!Now tell me where she is!!


Tom:Fine!(throws fire balls at him)

I quickly kept dodging the rapid fire balls, however one of the fire balls managed to hit the back of nachos. This caused us to crash down on the outskirts of the city.
As nachos and I crashed to the ground.i was flown at least 25 feet.when I gain consciousness.i noticed that I had a few scratches on me and a bruise and bleeding a was then that I noticed to standing over me holding his hand out preparing to obliterate me..

Tom:Tell me ...where she is.

Marco (coughing) Never!..cough*....cough*

Tom:say goodnight you little shit!(gets blasted a few feet  by what appears to he a rainbow blast)

Ponyhead:Oh no Ya don't!

To be continued.....

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