Chapter 7

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Then how could you lie to someone so important." He says now tears streaming down his cheeks

"To protect that person." She says, and Yoongi backed away.

"Do you know how long I've waited for you?"  He says but she didn't response, "Do you know how much pain it put me through." He says taking off a necklace and throwing down on the ground.

"HOW MUCH I LOVED YOU!" His voice cracked causing him to take a pause. "and how much I still love you?" He says softly looking down at the ground like as if he regretted loving her.
"Yoongi-" She says trying to clam him down, but failed because he became more upset with her.

"How can you even say my name after everything." He says pushing her away, and getting up. "I'm leaving." He said walking past her and walking out the door, slamming the door as he left.

"So, he is really gone." She said as she looked up at where he sat moments ago.

"Maybe its better this way." She said as she got up and wiped off her tears. "For the both of us." She walked into her room.

The box that was full of her memories with Yoongi was open, and the pictures where scattered all over her desk and floor.

She walked over and began picking up all the pictures, and with each came flashback of when she was happy.

She placed them gently back in the box, and closed the box. Putting it in the back of her closet she began to clean up her room and face.


After about 2 hours of leaving, Yoongi began to feel back for Hee-Young and began to walked back towards the dorm.

Once he entered he smelt the chemicals she had been using to clean. Surprising the living room was like as if nothing ever happened.

He sighed as he walked towards her room to apologize, but when he opened the door it revealed a sleeping Hee-Young.

He looked at her for a second.

"After all of these years I thought I hated you. Yet when I face you I can't help but to want to hold you in my arms." He said to himself while he stood there feeling like an idiot talking to a sleeping person.

"And still when your so close you feel so far." She mumbled, causing his eyes to widen a bit while she lifted up her head and looked towards him. He looked down at his feet whenever he saw her puffy red eyes.

"You came back?" She said, and her voice sound groggy, like as if she had been crying.

"Yea-" He said rubbing his neck "About earlier-"

"Your forgiven." She said as she stood up to walk pass him

"But why?"

"Because I am sure that is nothing you have felt in the past couple of years." She said walking into the hallway, disappearing into the kitchen.

Sorry for not updating in a long time! Please comment to give me idea and vote to encourage me to continue writing!!!
_Kim_Hee-Young_ <3

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