Laila's POV
"What's wrong?" Erica breathed as she ran into Lydia's room, seeming a bit out of breath.
"Lydia, what exactly did you send her in your text?" I questioned, a smile pulling up my lips.
"I said she had to get here as quickly as she could." Lydia answered, not even bothering to hide her smug grin. "I also said there was an emergency."
"You said it was life or death." Erica corrected, glaring at Lydia as she realized what had happened.
"It is. The formal's tonight and we only have three hours to get ready. I hope you've showered today because I don't know if we have time for that."
"I thought you were dying!"
"I might have exaggerated a bit."
"A bit?"
"Oh, just sit down and wait your turn." Lydia turned back to doing my hair, putting it into some form of braid.
"What happened?" Sophie asked, running into the room next.
"Lydia called us over so she could do our hair." Erica snapped, storming over to sit on the bed.
"And makeup." Lydia added, her hands delicately weaving my hair together as I laughed at the two blondes who were obviously upset.
"This is going to be torture."
I smoothed down my dress as I stared in the mirror, wondering if Isaac would like it or not. Lydia had pointed it out the last time we'd gone shopping, something simple but not too simple. At least, I hoped it wasn't.
I was waiting for Isaac now, back at my house. I finally heard the doorbell ring, nearly running down the stairs before forcing myself to slow down as I readjusted my dress again. I took one more look in the hallway mirror to make sure everything was in place before opening the door.
I grinned up at my boyfriend, wondering what was going through his mind as his jaw dropped open.
"Hey!" I greeted, looking up at him.
He stepped forward, leaning down to press his lips to mine. I paused before reaching up my arms to wrap them around his neck as I felt his hands grabbing my waist. He pressed another kiss to my lips as I felt my smile widening, our grips on each other tightening.
"Hey." he breathed out, that amazed look lighting up his eyes as they looked into mine.
"Ready to go?"
Sophie's POV
"You look beautiful, sweetheart." my father complimented as I went upstairs to say goodbye. "You remind me so much of your mother."
"I'll be home later, ok? And don't move around too much." I nearly scolded, making sure he was comfortable before leaning down to kiss his cheek.
"Definitely remind me of your mother."
I laughed before muttering another goodbye and walking downstairs in time for the doorbell to ring. I quickened my pace to open the door, a smile appearing on my face as I saw Scott standing on the doorstep.
"Hi." I quickly closed the door behind me, feeling his hand take mine as I locked it.
"You look beautiful."
"Thanks. You don't even want to know how long Lydia spent on my hair. And she kept yelling at me because I kept moving. And you wouldn't believe the text she sent me earlier, I thought she was dying or something." I rambled, the nerves I refused to admit I had taking over.
"It's just another party, Soph. Just a really formal one. You'll be fine." he laughed, squeezing my fingers as he leaned in to press a quick kiss to my lips.
"I know. Of course I will be. You'll be there." I agreed, more to myself than him.
"It's just a school dance. What's the worst thing that can happen?"
Stiles's POV
I lifted my hand up to knock on the loft door, pressing my lips together as it opened before I could make contact with it.
Derek didn't say a word, only glaring at me as he stood in front of me.
"Derek." I mumbled, nodding my head as a greeting.
"Hey Stiles!" Bryn called, obviously amused by the situation of Derek blocking the doorway.
"Hey Bryn!"
"Come on in."
I tried to walk around him, which immediately didn't work out, the door only open wide enough for him to be able to stand in the doorway.
"Ok, I just-I need-" I grumbled, wiggling my way underneath his arm that had opened the door.
I finally made my way past him, pulling my jacket back into place as I shot him an unfriendly look.
"Nice. Real nice, that's very mature."
"Of all the times for you to get protective, you choose now?" Bryn teased, walking over to stand next to me. "Erica looks beautiful, by the way. I think you'll love her dress."
"Speaking of Erica, where exactly is she?"
"Upstairs. I'll go get her."
I nodded my head as she walked up the stairs, leaving me alone in the uncomfortable silence.
"So, uh, new shirt?" I asked, although his shirt looked the same as every other one he owned.
"Really?" he replied, rolling his eyes as he walked over to the couch.
"Just trying to make conversation."
"I don't want to talk to you."
"Well-" I cut off as I saw Erica come down the stairs, followed by a grinning Bryn. "Whoa."
"Is it too much? I tried to tell Lydia I didn't want my hair up but she-" Erica began before I crossed the room to press my lips to hers.
"You look beautiful." I whispered as quietly as I could, trying to make the moment somewhat private in a room with two other werewolves.
She smiled, reminding me of our first date as her fingers tangled with mine. She then stepped back to look at my tux, shaking her head.
"You look adorable." she cooed, kissing my cheek.
"You ruined the moment." I basically whined, flailing my arms in an attempt to make her understand I didn't want to be called adorable.
"No, I didn't, you did. Now, let's go."
Author's Note:
They're off to the winter formal! What do you think will happen in the next chapter?
I'll see you in my next chapter. BYEEEEE!!!!!!

Under The Full Moon {Teen Wolf}
FanfictionScott McCall was an ordinary boy who was falling for an ordinary girl. Right? Wrong. Turns out both sides have deadly secrets...