The Legend

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In the beginning of time, there was nothing but darkness called Chaos. Now don't get me wrong, Chaos isn't bad because he's darkness he's just an ordinary, lonely being. 

Chaos had no beginning and no forseeable ending. But time is a trickster and so it pulled a prank on Chaos, a very dangerous prank that resulted in Chaos' head splitting open. From Chaos' head sprung the five elements. The first to drop out was water. It pooled around him and cooled him, southing his initial anger. Second to fly out was air. It swirled around Chaos teasing him and being evasive. This caused Chaos to release a thundering laugh, despite his head injury. Third to sprout from his head was fire. Fire bathed everything around it in light and warmed everything withing it's light. Fourth to climb out was earth, who landed all around Chaos steadying him and making him feel safer. 

What happed next was not expected though. The final thing to jump out was Chaos' psych which was responcible for his wisdom feelings and the ability to see through time. Overwhelmed by the shock of losing psych, he lost his sanity to blind madness and started destroying everything and anything he could get his hands on. The elements all grouped together and decided to use whatever powers and energy they had left to split chaos up into smaller entities, humans. They would create so many of them that his madness would only be a small fraction of every human's personality so that balance could be achieved in the world.

By ganging up against Chaos they managed to break him apart into ten thousand humans. Unfortunately though, there was one human, Caious, into which Chaos had put all of his remaining anger and insanity. The elements, out of energy but feeling an urgency to lock away this terrifying being, gave five humans with pure hearts the ability to control them, so that they may protect the balance and lock up Caious. The elementals used all of their life force to seal away Von in a prison as sturdy as earth, as light as air, as smooth as water and as bright as fire and giving it the ability to remain untouched by time.

Using all their life force in their battle, the elementals started withering away. They named Von's prison the Orb of Light, as a sign of hope for the rest of the humans. 

Okay so it turned out they weren't the last elementals. The Orb of Light, containing not only Caious, but also the life force and powers of the elementals, gave a power to a lot of humans after the elementals' death. Once every one hundred and fifty years, on the first new moon, the Orb of Light, trying to restore balance gives all five elemental powers to a human.

It could be anyone! But if it is someone with an impure heart, Caious's will be free to reign havoc.


Hey guys!! :D So I've decided to continue this story because of my friend to which this chapter is dedicated to. Next chapter will be the beginning of the story. 


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2014 ⏰

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