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It's all mysterious and outside of our control.
You wasn't born by choice.
The time, country, race, parents, siblings - everything- were all randomly allocated to you.
It wasn't your choice to make.
who knows, you could have been Hitler's mother.
You could have been born in Egypt, or in France, or in an unknown tribe in a rainforest.
You could have been born in a Jewish family, or in a Jehovah's witness family.
You could have been born 100 years ago, or 100 years in the future.
You could have had any name.
You could have been anyone,
but you're you, and you're here, now, in this century, in this country, in this family.
Who knows why?

I think It's amazing.
No one chose their destination.
So reject discrimination.
Reject all that promotes prejudice and hatred.
Diversity should be celebrated.
Things happened randomly and mysteriously, and it's all beautiful.

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