Chapter Fifteen

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A/N: Wow amo is an absolute masterpiece I'm genuinely in love with it omg listen to it if you haven't NOW. Hope you like the chapter !

Calming rock music travelled to my ears as I slowly managed to awake and gain consciousness again. Despite the fact that I just wanted to stay in bed all day, a wincing feeling in my stomach suddenly hit regretting all the things that had happened the previous day, ruining that thought of sleeping again. Great.

What a weird fucking day... I just wanted to go back to sleep and forget all about whatever that was.

It got even worse when my eyes opened and my eye contact was at the centre of the scorching sun outside of the window, I felt like a literal vampire. I pulled the covers over my head so I could avoid it. Lord knows I didn't need that torture right now.

I groaned underneath the covers. I really want to know what happened in that room with Denis, Josh and the other two last night. Everyone was trying to talk to me, except Vic, that's not usually how it is. People mostly back away from me because I apparently have that 'scary' look, but I'm not scary at all.

I've never really thought about why people sometimes just suddenly become terrified of me. I don't think I'm scary at all. Well, I can be, everyone can be a little scary, but am I a scary person? Not at all. I'd say I'm quite easy-going.

I started trying to wrap the entire covers around my body, which just ended with me falling off of the bed with a loud thump and the thick duvet covers landed on top of me. Didn't make me any less comfortable though, so I just laid back down on the floor and shut my eyes, hopefully, to get some more sleep.

"Oli! Are you... Okay..."

Once I heard Josh's voice and immediately sprung up from the floor and pushed the covers off of me with struggle. It made me chilly though, and the fact that I was only in his pyjama bottoms didn't really help.

"I'll take that as a yes, then." Chortling, he walked up to me, wrapping his muscular arms around me and letting me sink into his touch, and his warmth started to heat my body up again. I returned his cuddle, of course, inhaling his mezmerizing scent.

"It's half past two in the afternoon, Angel." He chuckled, massaging my tattooed back, which felt like heaven.

Jesus, I was really sleeping for that long? I fell asleep at around eleven last night because of how tired I was.  It was a long day after all. We usually stayed up until two or three in the morning just talking about random stuff, or watching something on the telly.

"I wanna sleep some more." I muttered, not having the energy to speak clearly. I felt completely drained, and any energy I had left clearly wasn't helping me that much.

Out of nowhere, Josh picked me up by my thighs and with his strength he managed to wrap my legs around his waist. I made it easier for him by wrapping my arms around his chest, my head falling onto his shoulder and my eyes shutting again. I could fall asleep here easily.

"Why are we not with the gang today?" I just remembered that today was Friday, we shouldn't be at home. The days we got to just be alone in our cottage and spend the whole day just cuddling and being lazy were the best days, so I wasn't really complaining.

"Can't be bothered, and it's not like any of the others are going to try and go against us, unless they have a death wish, that is." He chuckled at his statement and I joined in. I loved how he said 'us'. It still made me feel strange that he let me lead his gang with him, but was I complaining? Of course not. I went from a life of sleeping on the ground with a blanket and a pillow that felt like wood to having an incredible life with my boyfriend, and I get to sleep in a real bed too. With him.

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